Wednesday, June 14, 2017

De-stigmatizing Anger Management Appeals to High Profile Clients

Counseling or psychotherapy implies mental illness. Regardless of the efforts to normalize the need or value of treatment for nervous or mental disorders, many persons are reluctant to seek these services.

Anger management implies criminality especially when mandated by the courts or the criminal justice system. Professionals and high profile clients are reluctant to participate in classes in which they perceive themselves to have little in common with persons who may have a history of criminal or illegal activities. Confidentiality cannot be protected when any service is offered in groups.

Emotional Intelligence Coaching effectively neutralizes the negatives that may be associated with either counseling or psychotherapy for impulse control (anger management). Offering emotional intelligence coaching in an upscale community on an individual basis is proving to be popular with well-healed clients in Los Angeles.

It is highly unlikely that anyone from the film industry or persons with a public profile will risk attending anger management classes or group therapy.  Attorneys and Judges are a good source of referrals of clients whose privacy may be problematic.

The keys to success as an Emotional Intelligence Coach include the following:

·      Demonstrated competency in offering a quality EI program that can be objectively determined.
·      Publications of articles and books on your model of intervention.
·      Recognition of your expertise has been the source of television appearances, articles in major print media including news outlets.
·      Strong Internet presence as an expert in emotional intelligence coaching.
·      Location of your practice in an upscale community such as Brentwood, Beverly Hills, Pacific Palisades, Westwood or Bel Air.
·      Pre and Post Emotional Intelligence Assessments as well as a published  coaching curricula along with ancillary coaching materials.
·      Offer a flexible schedule including SKYPE and on-site services anywhere.
·      Charge high fees and insist on total payment of fees in advance.

For an example of an upscale coaching model that work, click here:
Is It Time To Re-invent Yourself?
One upscale client can be far more valuable than 50 low -income clients.

George Anderson, MSW, CAMF, EQ-I-2.0 Certified Professional

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