Friday, December 28, 2012

Coaching for Emotional Intelligence

Coaching for Emotional Intelligence



12301 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 418
Los Angeles, CA 90025

(310) 207-3591

 Live or On-line Coaching can be made available at reduced rates for each graduate. There is nothing more powerful than experiential emersion training.

 Coaching for Emotional Intelligence

A Certification Program 

 Content of 16 hour training:

Assertive Communication, Styles of Communication, Gaining Control of Ourselves, 
Bar On EQi 2.0 Emotional Intelligence Assessment, The Practice of Control, Contrasting Wheels of Behavior, Emotional Intelligence For Coaching

Anderson & Anderson has responded to the needTrained/Certified Emotional Intelligence Coaches. Experienced mental health and substance abuse counselors find it easy to incorporate or add Emotional Intelligence Coaching to their practice. This training is an expansion of the internationally recognized Anderson & Anderson Emotional Intelligence Curriculum for Anger Management Facilitators.

This 16 hour On-line course includes a personal Bar On EQi-2.0 Assessment prior to beginning the class. In addition, each participant will receive a free copy of The Practice Of Control, The Anderson & Anderson coaching client workbook along with a copy of the popular Contrasting Wheels of Behavior, the do's and dont's of Emotional Intelligence.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

All Anderson & Anderson Providers Can Link To A&A

Click the link above and select the Provider Button that you prefer for your site. By placing a button on your site, you will be increasing your internet presence as well that of Anderson  & Anderson providers everywhere.
This is an example of our determination to aggressively market the Anderson & Anderson brand during 2013.
Lets all have a happy New Year.
George Anderson

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The Veterans Administration Approves The Anderson & Anderson Anger Management Training

The VA TIER, Special Advancement for Achievement has approved the Three-Day Live Anger Management Facilitator Training for Veterans Administration Social Workers. The fees for this training is paid by the VA for Masters level Social Workers as well as step increases once the training is completed.
Visit our website at for a list of trainings in Los Angeles, Oakland, Milwaukee and East Rutherford, NJ.
George Anderson, MSW, LCSW, BCD, CEAP, CAMF

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Thanks For Our Best Year Ever At Anderson & Anderson

My family, staff and I are grateful for the remarkable success that you, our customers have made us in 2012. We wish your Holidays are enjoyable for you and yours

As a token of our appreciation of your support, please accept our offer of a free copy of our coaching client workbook, The Practice Of Control when you make your next order for any product or service from Anderson & Anderson.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Years

George, Nancy, Ania, Jason, Bryan, Jairo, Leah and Alfreda

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Australia Leads The World In Innovations In Emotional Intelligence Coaching

A careful look at developments in Australia suggests that emotional intelligence has considerable promise and will likely result in rapid changes and expanses in the public's recognition of the tremendous value of emotional intelligence in our daily lives.

Here are just a few new uses of Emotional Intelligence:
· is advocating the use of Emotional Intelligence Assessments for job applicants in sales and customer services jobs that require excellent skills in interpersonal relationships.
·      Psychotherapists in private practice are moving to incorporate Emotional Intelligence into their assessments as well as interventions that demand an increase in self-awareness, self-control, social awareness and relationships management.
·      Emotional Intelligence in Policing is now being endorsed by national police organizations in the U.S.
·      Emotional Intelligence/Civility Training is now mandated in eight states for Attorneys by their State Bar Associations relative to licensing.
·      The Joint Commission on The Accreditation of Health Care Organizations now mandates Emotional Intelligence Coaching for "disruptive physicians".

The need and availability of short term and long term Emotional Intelligence Coaching training both on-line and live can be anticipated in 2013

George Anderson, MSW, BCD, LCSW, CEAP CAMF

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Emotional Intelligence Increases Popularity/Interpersonal Relationships

Affluent adolescents are enrolling in Emotional Intelligence Courses to increase their popularity especially with the opposite sex. Given the evidence of emotional intelligence as a key factor in interpersonal relationships, it stands to reason that individual popularity can easily be seen a bi-product of an experience in Coaching For Emotional Intelligence.

Although we use these skills in our relationships every day, we can always improve them. As we improve our emotional intelligence and relating skills all our relationships can get better.

Case Study
Sarah is an attractive 17 -year -old female who is an only child who has been accepted to two of the top tens universities in the U.S. She and her parents are wealthy and live in Beverly Hills. Sarah reports that she has never learned to share with others and is used to being the center of attraction of her parents since birth.
Her plans are to live in the dorms during her freshman year of college. Her current friends, her mother and Sarah are concerned over her tendency to push others away based on her lack of self-awareness, passive aggressive communication style, lack of social awareness and low empathy skills.

Sarah was an excellent coaching student. Her scores were low on the Bar On i 2.0 Assessment in self-awareness, self-control, social awareness and relationship management as well as impulse control. Her actual scores were consistent with her presenting concerns prior to enrolling in the coaching.

This young women made excellent use of the 10 session coaching and reported later that her first year of college went well as the result of the changes she made. she has been an advocate this coaching for anyone who wants to improve their skills in emotional intelligence.
George Anderson, CAMF

Sunday, December 2, 2012

2013 Resources Available For "Disruptive Physicians" Nationwide

Being labeled as a "disruptive physician" creates considerable anxiety and may even reduce clear thinking. Unfortunately, none of the medical associations currently provide help to physicians in selecting programs for doctors who are faced with choosing a credible program for "disruptive behavior".

Useful information in selecting a legitimate program for assessment and intervention of "disruptive behavior":
·      Decide if you prefer to be seen individually or in a group.  It is impossible to personalize any type of intervention that is designed for groups. It is also risky to share personal information in a group setting.
·      The two most recognized program for mandated services for physicians both offer groups of seven or eight on a quarterly basis in San Diego or Nashville.
·      Unless you exhibit symptoms suggesting psychiatric impairment, you not risk taking a psychiatric assessment. Such an assessment may permanently damage your career. No physician should undergo a psychiatric examination without justification. Anger/impulse control is not a DSM diagnosable disorder and therefore should not be mandated for "disruptive behavior".
·      The programs at San Diego and Nashville were originally designed for "impaired physicians" and later substance abuse. If you are not suspected/accused for either of these disorders it is risky to casually submit to a subjective psychiatric examination.
·      If you asked to enroll in an inpatient program for an assessment, you will be give a series of psychological tests as well a psychiatric exam. This is totally unnecessary, expensive and risky to any physician's reputation.
·      It is not necessary to travel to Nashville or San Diego or Mississippi in order to receive credible intervention for "disruptive behavior". Instead, you can receive an On-line Emotional Intelligence assessment followed by On-site individual coaching in your own city or community. This coaching is provided over a two day twelve hour intensive without disrupting your surgery schedule. The two phases is followed by six months of phone coaching that is focused on skill enhancement in the skills in which the physician scored in the deficit range. After six months of phone coaching, a Post Emotional Intelligence Assessment is given to determine the level of success in the coaching.

2013 List Of Recognized Programs For Disruptive Physicians

Pinegrove Professional Enhancement Program

2255 Broadway Drive

Hattiesburg , MS 39402

Contact: Greg Phillips
(800) 301-6693

The Distressed Physician Program
1107 Oxford House Nashville, TN 37232 – 4300

Tel: 615-936-0678
E-mail: or


1899 McKee Street, Ste 126

San Diego, CA 92110


Anderson & Anderson® Executive Coaching/Anger Management Program

12301 Wilshire Blvd.
 Suite 418

Los Angeles, CA. 90025

Phone: 310-207-3591