Sunday, December 23, 2012

Australia Leads The World In Innovations In Emotional Intelligence Coaching

A careful look at developments in Australia suggests that emotional intelligence has considerable promise and will likely result in rapid changes and expanses in the public's recognition of the tremendous value of emotional intelligence in our daily lives.

Here are just a few new uses of Emotional Intelligence:
· is advocating the use of Emotional Intelligence Assessments for job applicants in sales and customer services jobs that require excellent skills in interpersonal relationships.
·      Psychotherapists in private practice are moving to incorporate Emotional Intelligence into their assessments as well as interventions that demand an increase in self-awareness, self-control, social awareness and relationships management.
·      Emotional Intelligence in Policing is now being endorsed by national police organizations in the U.S.
·      Emotional Intelligence/Civility Training is now mandated in eight states for Attorneys by their State Bar Associations relative to licensing.
·      The Joint Commission on The Accreditation of Health Care Organizations now mandates Emotional Intelligence Coaching for "disruptive physicians".

The need and availability of short term and long term Emotional Intelligence Coaching training both on-line and live can be anticipated in 2013

George Anderson, MSW, BCD, LCSW, CEAP CAMF

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