Sunday, December 2, 2012

2013 Resources Available For "Disruptive Physicians" Nationwide

Being labeled as a "disruptive physician" creates considerable anxiety and may even reduce clear thinking. Unfortunately, none of the medical associations currently provide help to physicians in selecting programs for doctors who are faced with choosing a credible program for "disruptive behavior".

Useful information in selecting a legitimate program for assessment and intervention of "disruptive behavior":
·      Decide if you prefer to be seen individually or in a group.  It is impossible to personalize any type of intervention that is designed for groups. It is also risky to share personal information in a group setting.
·      The two most recognized program for mandated services for physicians both offer groups of seven or eight on a quarterly basis in San Diego or Nashville.
·      Unless you exhibit symptoms suggesting psychiatric impairment, you not risk taking a psychiatric assessment. Such an assessment may permanently damage your career. No physician should undergo a psychiatric examination without justification. Anger/impulse control is not a DSM diagnosable disorder and therefore should not be mandated for "disruptive behavior".
·      The programs at San Diego and Nashville were originally designed for "impaired physicians" and later substance abuse. If you are not suspected/accused for either of these disorders it is risky to casually submit to a subjective psychiatric examination.
·      If you asked to enroll in an inpatient program for an assessment, you will be give a series of psychological tests as well a psychiatric exam. This is totally unnecessary, expensive and risky to any physician's reputation.
·      It is not necessary to travel to Nashville or San Diego or Mississippi in order to receive credible intervention for "disruptive behavior". Instead, you can receive an On-line Emotional Intelligence assessment followed by On-site individual coaching in your own city or community. This coaching is provided over a two day twelve hour intensive without disrupting your surgery schedule. The two phases is followed by six months of phone coaching that is focused on skill enhancement in the skills in which the physician scored in the deficit range. After six months of phone coaching, a Post Emotional Intelligence Assessment is given to determine the level of success in the coaching.

2013 List Of Recognized Programs For Disruptive Physicians

Pinegrove Professional Enhancement Program

2255 Broadway Drive

Hattiesburg , MS 39402

Contact: Greg Phillips
(800) 301-6693

The Distressed Physician Program
1107 Oxford House Nashville, TN 37232 – 4300

Tel: 615-936-0678
E-mail: or


1899 McKee Street, Ste 126

San Diego, CA 92110


Anderson & Anderson® Executive Coaching/Anger Management Program

12301 Wilshire Blvd.
 Suite 418

Los Angeles, CA. 90025

Phone: 310-207-3591

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