Saturday, January 29, 2011

Assertive Communication Gains the Respect of Others

The Anderson & Anderson anger management curriculum includes four topics that are intimately related to managing anger and stress. These topics are anger management, stress management, assertive communication and emotional intelligence. 

Learn to combine honesty with emotional intelligence to get more of what you want. 

Assertive people can be honest and forthright while still showing respect for the feelings of others. Their skills and style of communication earn them respect and cooperation at work and in intimate relationships. Anger management training teaches skill enhancement in how to be more open, honest and direct in communication. 

It does not pay to be aggressive in the way you communicate with others. It also does not pay to be passive or passive-aggressive. Others will not want to communicate with you try to intimidate them. They also will not care to communicate with you properly if they know that they can walk all over you. Being assertive lets the person with whom you are communicating that you value their position within the conversation, yet you also value where you stand. If the exchange turns into a disagreement, the assertive individual will be the more effective communicator than the one who is aggressive, passive, or passive-aggressive. 


An assessment at intake to determine the preferred style of communication 
Learning to listen with your heart 
Practicing non-verbal communication 
Saying what you mean and meaning what you say 
Dealing with issues in an emotionally intelligent way 
Mastering assertive communication 
Use of “I” Statements 
To learn more about the Anderson & Anderson anger management classes and executive coaching, visit our website at

George Anderson, MSW, BCD, CAMF, CEAP 
Diplomate, American Association of Anger Management Providers
George Anderson, MSW, BCD, CEAP 
Fellow, American Orthopsychiatric Association 
Diplomate, American Asociation of Anger Management Providers

Thursday, January 27, 2011


The Anderson & Anderson Anger Management Curriculum

No court in any state has ever refused to accept the Anderson & Anderson Curriculum for mandated court referrals.
Call Richard at Telephone: 678-576-1913 in Atlanta, GA

ATLANTA ANGER MANAGEMENT - An Anderson and Anderson™ Certified Anger Management Facilitator Provider for psycho education Anger Management, Stress Management, Couple Conflict Management, Improved Communications, and Emotional Intelligence for Individuals, Court Ordered, Married Couples, Organizations, Government, Education, Military. Individual Sessions, Group Classes, Seminars, Speaker Engagements, Court Ordered Anger Management. Atlanta and Worldwide. Inquires welcome.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Ten Reasons to Pursue Anger Management Certification

One of the best kept secrets in the Small Business Arena is how lucrative anger management classes can be. With forty - hours of training and less than a two thousand dollar investment, it is possible to begin offering classes to clients referred from Human Resource Managers, Courts, and self-referred individuals.

Here are some reasons why you should consider pursuing the Anderson & Anderson® Anger Management Facilitator Certification Training now:

1) The demand for anger management services far exceed the supply of certified providers

2) Residents of small and large communities need anger management providers in each locale

3) Services can be provided on Saturdays and Sundays, thereby making anger management a lucrative part-time venture

4) The Anderson & Anderson® anger management model is the most widely recognized anger management curriculum in the world

5) Providers who market their services and are listed on the Anderson & Anderson® web site can earn an average of $4,000 per month by teaching classes on Saturdays and Sundays

6) With additional training and experience, Certified Anger Management Providers can earn an average of $1,000 per day by providing Organizational Training to businesses and governmental agencies

7) Certified Anger Management Providers are able to receive gratification from the fact that they are offering a needed intervention to their communities

8.) Those who become certified in anger management at this time can essentially influence the development of this new and emerging area of specialization

9) By teaching others the needed skills to manage anger, stress and increase emotional intelligence and effective communication, you are playing an active role in reducing all aspects of person-directed violence.

10) You may become one of the first providers to offer anger management to organized sports from little league to major leagues.

To enroll in our next Anger Management Facilitator Certification training, click here and sign up today, or call our office at 310-207-3591 for more information.

Domestic Violence/Batterer's Intervention Is Not Anger Management - Topix

Domestic Violence/Batterer's Intervention Is Not Anger Management - Topix

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Anderson & Anderson Facilitator Certification Training

40-Hour Anger Management Facilitator Training


March 16th, 17th & 18th, 2011
8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Includes client workbooks for adults and adolescents, facilitator guide, and certification.
Cost: $500.00 per day includes client workbook, facilitator guide, and certification.

Three Day Live Anger Management Training
Presented by
Anderson & Anderson, A.P.C.

Anger Management Guru: George Anderson, BCD, LCSW, CAMF
Approved for 8 CEU’s by CAADAC (#2n96-341-0805), BBS (#PCE60), CAADE (#CP40-793-C-1009), TCBAP, and the CA. Board of Corrections
The Anderson & Anderson model of anger management is the most effective and widely recognized curriculum in the world. This model, which has been featured in Los Angeles Times Magazine, focuses on enhancing emotional intelligence and assertive communication while introducing behavior strategies for identifying and managing anger and stress. Our certification training and approved provider list are the industry standards and dominate the internet.
The First day of training will focus on Adolescent Anger Management and will use the Anderson workbook “Controlling Ourselves” as the text. A demonstration and discussion of the Pre & Post Test Component will be conducted. This one-day training is designed for Nurses, School Counselors/Psychologists, Substance Abuse Counselors, Case Managers, HR Managers, Clinicians, Probation Officers, as well as staff from group homes, and agencies serving families and youth. This curriculum is currently being used in school districts in Los Angeles, Oakland, Sacramento, Concord and San Diego, as well as school districts in Texas and Louisiana. In addition, probation departments in Arizona, Kansas, California and Texas use this model.
On the Second day, Adult Anger Management will be examined. A demonstration of the Pre & Post Test will be conducted with a discussion of its usefulness. “Gaining Control of Ourselves,” in conjunction with experiential exercises and videos, will be used to initiate the participants to this intervention. Most major corporations have accepted this model for use by H.R. and EAP Managers.
The Third day of Training is Organizational Emotional Intelligence/Anger Management. This training is designed to prepare the participant to offer workshops or presentations regarding anger management, civility or emotional intelligence a small group format. This is rapidly becoming one of the most requested interventions in anger management. This training has been conducted for Kaiser Permanente of Southern California the Riverside County Medical Association as well as the Illinois State Bar Association.
Participants who attend all three days of this training will receive a free CD containing a 16 hour course on Motivational Interviewing. This in addition to the above three days will give the participant the required 40 hours of Facilitator Certification Training.
Each training day counts for 8 of the total of 40 hours required for Certification.
**This training is also available through our On-Line Course. Please click here for more information.

Anderson & Anderson
12301 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 418
Los Angeles, CA 90025 

Organizational Anger Management: A Proactive Approach to Disruptive Behavior - Topix

Organizational Anger Management: A Proactive Approach to Disruptive Behavior - Topix

Organizational Anger Management Takes Center Stage - Topix

Organizational Anger Management Takes Center Stage - Topix

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A Message to All Anderson & Anderson Anger Management Providers

Dear Provider,

We are happy to announce that all providers who have not purchased the Conover Assessment will now have an opportunity to join Anderson & Anderson in our embrace of BarOn Emotional Quotient Inventory.
If you have purchased the Conover Assessment, you are encouraged to continue using this software indefinitely.

As we move forward, all new Anderson & Anderson Certified Anger Management Facilitators are encouraged to contact Carrie O'Neil at 1-800-268-6011.
If you or your organization are trained in Psychometrics, you can arrange to conduct your on assessment On-Line in minutes or have this services provided by Anderson & Anderson. It is not necessary to purchase any software nor make any type of investment in advance.

Please contact Lori at 310-207-3591.

Monday, January 17, 2011

The Heavy Costs of Anger

The Anderson model presents some of the prices or costs people pay for expressing anger.
At one time or another, everyone experiences needless anger. Here are five specific signals that will tell you when anger is creating problems for you.
1. When it is too frequent. There are many situations for which becoming angry is justified and natural. However, we often get angry when it is not necessary or useful. It is important to distinguish between the times when it is all right to be angry and when getting angry isn’t a wise idea.
2. When it is too intense. Anger is something that occurs at different levels of intensity. A small or moderate amount of anger can often work to your advantage. However, high degrees of anger rarely produce positive results.
3. When it lasts too long. When anger continues over time, you maintain a level of arousal or stress that goes beyond normal limits. When anger does not go away, your body’s systems are prevented from returning to normal levels, which makes it easier to get angry the next time something goes wrong. Sometimes, it becomes impossible to resolve.
4. When it leads to aggression. Aggressive acts are likely to result in trouble for you. When you feel you have been abused or treated unfairly, you may want to hurt the person who has offended you. Verbal aggression, like calling someone a name, is not helpful and often leads to aggressive behavior.
5. When it destroys work or personal relationships. When your anger interferes with doing a good job or makes it hard for people to relate to you, then it becomes a problem.
Why should you and those you care about work to control your outbursts of anger or rage? Clearly, there are some important reasons why you may determine that it is in your best interest and those around you.
Anger Destroys Personal Relationships
Damage to personal relationships is one of the most common costs of anger, and probably the worst. The relationships that are damaged are often the ones you least want to lose. The most frequent targets of anger include spouses, children, co-workers, and friends. Often, actions taken under intense anger are regretted after the damage is done.
Think about your life. Has your anger undermined any important relationships? Do you tend to blame people for how you are feeling? If you continue this pattern, where will you be a few years from now? Letting go of your anger and being more accepting and flexible in close relationships will probably serve you better both long-term and short-term.
Anger Destroys School and Work Relationships
School and work can be very frustrating. Demanding teachers, parents, supervisors, jealous co-workers, irate customers, deadlines, and unfairness of all sorts; these can test your patience. Your anger about frustrations, however, can frustrate you even more. Anger can ruin school and work relationships and limit your success. It can also block your ability to focus on important issues, perform quality work, and earn good grades.
Anger Makes Bad Situations Worse
In spite of all the negatives, doesn’t anger have some positives? Doesn’t feeling angry sometimes help you face difficult situations? Won’t it help you to feel empowered and in control when confronted with adversity? Isn’t expressing your anger necessary for asserting yourself and getting your point across? These are all good questions. Psychological research has not yet shown whether anger increases or decreases your effectiveness in handling difficulties. In fact, it appears that few researchers are interested in pursuing this issue. However, many people have jumped to the conclusion that you must feel angry when facing unfair situations. The Anderson model teaches that anger has the capacity to cloud people’s ability to reason and behave effectively. You are not likely to think clearly when you are angry.
While anger may help in some situations, it is rarely helpful in making positive change or solving conflicts. Although anger is a normal
human emotion, it is hardly the most useful for solving problems. Think about it and decide for yourself whether rage is helpful or harmful for you.
Anger Often Leads To Aggression
Another reason to control anger is that it can easily lead to aggression. Have you witnessed violence in your own life? Have you seen violence in the local news? Do you believe that our society is one of the most violent in the world? Do you know anyone who has been the victim of a ‘drive-by shooting?
According to recent statistics of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, one violent crime occurs in the United States every seventeen seconds. Acts of violence are particularly prevalent among teenagers. Murder or homicide is currently the second leading cause of death among ages 15-24, making interpersonal violence one of the most important public health problems.
All forms of violence, including road rage, desk rage, spousal abuse, child abuse, animal abuse, elder abuse and violence between children, have reached epidemic proportions in the United States. Approximately 40% of women who are murdered in this country every year die at the hands of their boyfriends or husbands.
Violence in families also takes a grim toll on young children. A government report concluded that, in the United States, approximately 140,000 children a year suffer serious injury from child abuse.
While anger does not automatically lead to aggression, it often does. It is often a blueprint for violence. For many of you, who may not have considered addressing this issue on your own, our program, using the Anderson model, may well be an opportunity to improve your ability to manage intense emotions