Friday, June 23, 2017

The Anger Coach:

Bryan Anderson '08

Hometown: Los Angeles | Resides in: Los Angeles | Majored in: Psychology Advanced degree: Master's in social work from Columbia University | Job title: Clinical social worker and owner of Grab The Wheel Kids: Anger Management and Social Skills
Any parent or educator will tell you that anger problems profoundly can hinder a child’s ability to thrive both in and out of the classroom. Enter Bryan Anderson ’08, who is carving a niche for himself in the field of social work by providing young children with the proper tools to better understand and manage their emotions. Grab The Wheel Kids — a Los Angeles-based therapy practice and consulting firm that he recently founded — offers anger management and social skills coaching to children (including children on the autism spectrum) and training opportunities to parents, teachers and therapists, based on a finely honed curriculum he developed. Anderson literally has written the book on this topic — “Grab the Wheel: Helping Young Children Manage Explosive Anger” — which will be published this spring.
All in the family: For Anderson, psychology is the family business. His mother, Nancy, is an elementary school psychologist and his father, George, developed a curriculum of pioneering anger management techniques that is widely used within the mental health field.
Grabbing the wheel: With the support of his mentor and former supervisor Dr. Stephanny Freeman, who co-directs the Early Childhood Partial Hospitalization Program at UCLA, Bryan adapted his dad’s curriculum to the needs of small children. The resulting book, “Grab the Wheel,” (co-authored with Freeman, Dr. Tanya Paparella and Kelly Ferraro), helps children learn to cope with difficult situations.
The “Good Choice Wheel”: At the core of Anderson’s book is a “Good Choice Wheel” that lays out the four most important coping skills that young children need — strong words, listening, saying how they feel and trying something different. Each skill is represented by a character, and each character reinforces a particular set of behavioral skills.
Makeshift impressionist: He coaxes laughs from kids by performing impressions. His go-to impression: Barack Obama.
In his own words: “People are so open at Kenyon. They are so open to each other. I think that the way that people are included at Kenyon really gave me the ability to go with the flow and get along with anybody, no matter how different they are from me, where they might come from, and what kind of experiences they have had. Kenyon opened my eyes up to the rest of the world.” 
Find Bryan Anderson at: | on Twitter: @GoodChoiceWheel | on Instagram: @grabthewheelkids | on Facebook:

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Emotional Intelligence/Anger Management Facilitator Certification

Seminar Schedule

Anderson & Anderson is the largest provider of Certified Anger Management Facilitator Training in the world.  Our curriculum is the industry standard worldwide.  Anderson & Anderson, the trusted name in anger management, offers certification for both adult and adolescent facilitators. CAADAC, CAADE, CA. Board of Corrections and BBS approve our training for CEU’s. In addition, this training is Approved TIER 1 for Special Advancement for Achievement for Veterans Administration Social Workers. We are an approved vendor for SAM.  The Anderson & Anderson Anger Management Curricula is the only anger management training approved by the state for the training of Probation, Parole and Correctional Officers in California.  Please click here to register and purchase our Three-Day Live Anger Management Facilitator Training.
Need further information on our Three-Day Live Training? Click here for a detailed three page brochure: LIVE TRAINING PROGRAM FLYEr

Emotional Intelligence/Anger Management Facilitator Certification

Presented by George Anderson

When: July 20, 21, 22, 2017

Where: Anderson and Anderson

2300 Westridge Road

Los Angeles, CA 90049

Time: 9:00 A.M. — 4:00 P.M.
Cost: $1, 500 (includes client workbooks, facilitator guide, Motivational Interviewing CDs, and certification)
Three-Day Live Anger Management/Emotional Intelligence Facilitator Certification Training
Objectives: This training is designed for persons interested in providing anger management to children, adolescents and adults as well and business and industry.
Emotional Quotient Intelligence (EQ-I 2.0) on-line assessment
All participants will take the EQ-I 2.0 prior to the event and receive their results; which will need to be printed out and brought with you to the training. (A link to access this assessment will be e-mailed to each person).
Each participant will receive the items listed below:
Gaining Control of Ourselves, Controlling Ourselves, Grab The Wheel, Contrasting Wheels of Behavior, Facilitator Guide, Motivational Interviewing CD, sample proposals, progress reports  & attendance sheets will be made available.
Organizational Emotional Intelligence/Anger Management This training is designed to prepare the participant to offer workshops or presentations regarding anger management, stress management, communication, civility or emotional intelligence. 

Time will be spent on establishing and marketing a practice in Anger Management/Emotional Intelligence.

The first day of training is Anger Management for Adolescents and Adults. The second day of training is Organizational Anger Management and how to establish a private practice. The third day of training will be devoted to Anger Management for Young Children.
To register go to our website at or send a check along with your name, address, telephone and email address or simply phone our office and enroll via phone with a credit card at 310-476-0908.

1-Day Grab The Wheel Anger Management for Kids Training

Next Training Available: Saturday August 19th in Los Angeles, CA 
8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
This 1-Day training will provide a comprehensive guide to those interested in using the Grab The Wheel Curriculum with children in their organization, classroom, or family.  Training Outline provided below.
8:30 AM: Coffee/Breakfast Snacks, Meet and Greet
9 AM: Introduction and Bio, Training & Experience, Theoretical Background for My Approach  
“You don’t have to be sick, to get better”  (15 mins)
Get to know the class, Goal for the Day
Name, Location, Organization, Role, Goal, 1 thing that makes you MAD (15 mins)
9:30 AM: Seminar Outline and Objectives – Handout
  • Psychoeducation & Establish The Need.  Why Early Intervention? (15 mins)
  • Basics Of The Model: Behavioral Therapy & Social Skills (15 mins)
  • Course Goals & Objectives (15 mins)
10 AM: Brief History of Anger Management Intervention, Emotional Intelligence Coaching & The Roots of Anderson & Anderson
“To teach kids, we must be able to teach ourselves”
  • EQ is needed for jobs with high stress and need for interpersonal relationship skills
  • Defining EQ – Goleman, The EQi 2.0, The EQ Edge, Practical Examples
  • Anderson & Anderson Anger Management & EQ Coaching: History & Current Uses
    • Psychotherapy→ Domestic Violence→ Anger Management→ EQ
    • Anger Management focused on Anger Control and physiological consequences of anger.  Anger Management coined by Raymond Novaco.  Too Narrow.  Does not focus on skill enhancement.  Insight-oriented treatments do not necessarily lead to change in an individual’s behavior, if the individual still lacks the skills
    • Switch to EQi 2.0 Model and Coaching.  Positive Psychology, Stigma Free, good for those who are resistant to “psychotherapy” 
  • Including Adults–Parents AND Teachers.
    •  We need the parents and our OWN engagement.  Provides an example of what future problems can look like without skills.
BREAK ACTIVITY: Which areas of emotional intelligence do you think are most vital for clinicians and teachers? 
  • The Contrasting Wheels Of Behavior and The EQ Assessment and Post-Test Debrief – an example of how to use a measurement tool with Adults or Children
  • Reinventing the Wheels into Child Friendly and Visual Lessons
11 AM: Morning Break (15 mins)
11:15 AM: Anger In Children (and other challenging behaviors)
  • The focus cannot simply be on Anger.  Must include social skills, and vice versa.  Struggles or deficits in communication is the most common trigger for Anger. 
  • Lack of coping skills for Anxiety or frustration can frequently be true triggers.  
  • How Anger Develops in Children – A Developmental Review
  • How Parents Reinforce Bad Behavior, How Teachers Can Make it Worse
Most Common Childhood Challenges That Cause Anger and Social Problems
  • Frustration Tolerance
  • Sensory Overload
  • Trouble Sharing
  • Inability to Communicate
  • Inability to ID & Express Emotions
  • Not Listening
  • Hurt Feelings
    • Being Teased/Left Out
    • Losing
    • Something taken
    • Struggling, Feeling Insecure
    • Getting Hurt
  • Rigidity
    • Dealing with Change
    • Unexpected, New things
    • Not Getting Your Way
    • Having to share
    • Something broken, not working
12 PM: Reinventing The Wheels
  • Child-friendly language and visual learning
  • To Review:  A&A Contrasting Wheels of Behavior→ The Good Choice Wheel
  • Teach the wheel using social stories, illustrations
  • Reinforcement to encourage use of more positive skills
  • Goals: Increase Awareness, Improve Social Problem Solving and Coping Skills, using all of these together will help children better manage frustration and anger, and prevent small conflicts from escalating
  • Doctors in the OR, Husbands and Wives, please point out when I am using X or Y choice
Social Stories
  • Emotion ID
  • Empathy
Good Choice Wheel
  1. Strong Words
  2. Listening
  3. Say How I Feel
  4. Try Something Different
2 PM: Reinforcers, Stickers, Money, Magnets
2:10 PM: Using Illustrations, Coconut Coping Tree, other tools
2:20 PM: Walkthrough Example – Case Study: Hurricane Randall, etc, show social story of losing a game or fight over bikes
2:30 PM: Class Roleplay in Groups W/ Scenario
3:15 BREAK
3:30 PM: Questions/Case Examples
4 PM: Other offerings, full CAMF, EQ Coaching, Online Classes, Consults
4:15 PM: Questions

The Missing Piece to Treating Children’s Anger & Social Skills Deficits:

Anger or social skills? You no longer have to choose, with emotional intelligence curriculum that addresses both using Behavior Choice Wheels, stories, illustrations, and re-enforcers.

How to Turn Stigma about Mental Illness into Compassion

How to Turn Stigma about Mental Illness into Compassion: Stephen Hinshaw explores what it meant to be raised by a father with psychosis—and how that experience has informed his work as a psychologist.

Monday, June 19, 2017

A Reality Check For Life Coaches

 The average annual earnings for Life Coaches globally are around $50,000.  Executive Coaches earn $95,000 per year. In spite of what the marketers tell you,
few coaches earn enough from coaching to sustain a middle class lifestyle. Since coaches tend to work privately, benefits are not included in these figures. The key to success as a coach is the ability to demonstrate expertise in a niche that is needed and wanted by persons with the ability to pay.

Fifteen per cent of U.S. based executive coaches are trained mental health professionals mostly clinical psychologists. Since coaching is not a licensed profession, anyone with or without any training or experience can offer coaching. Most practitioners use the title Life Coach as opposed to Executive or Business Coach.

A careful review of Life Coaching suggests that it is attractive to persons who are   -`            passionate about helping others. Many of the ads for Life Coaching claim that this model is designed to “help clients become the person they were meant to be”.
According to the International Coach Federation:
“People hire a life coach because
  • They want more.
  • They want to grow.
  • They want it easier.”
Unfortunately, the tools used to accomplish these vague goals are the “passion” of the coach, the use of “powerful questions” and a cell phone. Certification as a Life Coach only requires a two or three day on-line training.

The International Coach Federation is the largest coaching organization in the world. Here is a sample to the type of questions that they recommend for use by Life Coaches:

Currently, there is no credible evidence that either passion or powerful questions have any impact on the outcome of clients who receive Life Coaching. Generally, Life Coaches receive their coaching experience by offering free coaching via phone to other Life Coaches. Since neither participant is a real client, this exercise amounts to role-playing choachee and client. In contrast, a Licensed Clinical Psychologist must have a Ph.D., successfully pass a rigorous written and oral examination along with three years of Post Graduate experience. Licensed Clinical Social Workers must complete a two-year graduate degree in Clinical Social Work plus 3,000 hours of supervised clinical experience. An examination must also be successfully completed. Seventy per cent of all mental health services in the U.S. have been provided by Clinical Social Workers since World War 2. Therefore, Psychologists and Clinical Social Workers are more likely to be favored by potential coaching clients.

According to Len Sperry, Ph. D, “Generally speaking, mental health professionals can more easily transition into personal or life coaching than into executive coaching because their psychological training and experience readily transfer to the practice of personal or life coaching”. Executive Coaching, Len Sperry, 2004

Some credibility may be better for Life Coaches than three days of training, passion in helping others and the use of powerful questions. Emotional Intelligence Assessment and Coaching may be a useful curriculum that can be added to the painfully limited training and lack of competency inherent in the practice of Life Coaching. Emotional Intelligence Coaching is trending in California.

 A Coaching Model For Emotional Intelligence

This model provides a framework that includes a theoretical foundation (emotional intelligence) as well as Pre and Post Assessments (EQ-I-2.0) and Coaching Client Workbooks (The EQ Edge, The Practice of Control, Grab The Wheels For Kids and Gaining Control Of Ourselves). The training is available for trained counselors, mental health clinicians, substance abuse providers or teachers and ICF Coaches.

·      Completion of the EQ-I-2.0 Assessment prior to acceptance
·      Complete a six month Emotional Intelligence Coaching program as a client
·      Certification as an EQ-I-2.0 Examiner
·      40 hour live or on-line Certification as an Emotional Intelligence Coach
·      Six-months of Coach Supervision by an Emotional Intelligence Coach using a published coaching curriculum.
·      Face to face coaching with actual clients including children, adolescents or adults seeking skill enhancement in emotional intelligence.
·      16 hours of continuing education should be recommended for each certified emotional intelligence coach.

George Anderson, MSW, LCSW, Certified EQ-2.0 Professional

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

De-stigmatizing Anger Management Appeals to High Profile Clients

Counseling or psychotherapy implies mental illness. Regardless of the efforts to normalize the need or value of treatment for nervous or mental disorders, many persons are reluctant to seek these services.

Anger management implies criminality especially when mandated by the courts or the criminal justice system. Professionals and high profile clients are reluctant to participate in classes in which they perceive themselves to have little in common with persons who may have a history of criminal or illegal activities. Confidentiality cannot be protected when any service is offered in groups.

Emotional Intelligence Coaching effectively neutralizes the negatives that may be associated with either counseling or psychotherapy for impulse control (anger management). Offering emotional intelligence coaching in an upscale community on an individual basis is proving to be popular with well-healed clients in Los Angeles.

It is highly unlikely that anyone from the film industry or persons with a public profile will risk attending anger management classes or group therapy.  Attorneys and Judges are a good source of referrals of clients whose privacy may be problematic.

The keys to success as an Emotional Intelligence Coach include the following:

·      Demonstrated competency in offering a quality EI program that can be objectively determined.
·      Publications of articles and books on your model of intervention.
·      Recognition of your expertise has been the source of television appearances, articles in major print media including news outlets.
·      Strong Internet presence as an expert in emotional intelligence coaching.
·      Location of your practice in an upscale community such as Brentwood, Beverly Hills, Pacific Palisades, Westwood or Bel Air.
·      Pre and Post Emotional Intelligence Assessments as well as a published  coaching curricula along with ancillary coaching materials.
·      Offer a flexible schedule including SKYPE and on-site services anywhere.
·      Charge high fees and insist on total payment of fees in advance.

For an example of an upscale coaching model that work, click here:
Is It Time To Re-invent Yourself?
One upscale client can be far more valuable than 50 low -income clients.

George Anderson, MSW, CAMF, EQ-I-2.0 Certified Professional

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Anger Management Counseling, Classes or Coaching

In contrast to mental health, anger management does not yet have the same level of legitimacy. It does not have a legally defined scope of practice nor a body of knowledge nor a theoretical foundation.  “Anger treatments’ success rates can be difficult to estimate because excessive, severe anger is not a recognized disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.”
In contrast to anger management, counseling, psychotherapy and psychiatric treatment are all defined in law in every state in the U.S. This legal sanction makes it possible for the public as well as licensed providers to understand and abide by the respective scope of practice for the clinician authorized to offer diagnoses and treatment of nervous and mental disorders.
Currently, anyone can offer anger management without training, experience or specific material. In addition to treating persons suffering from nervous and mental disorders, many clinicians offer “anger management counseling or treatment” in spite of the fact that there is no diagnosable disorder to treat. Some psychiatrists prescribe psychotropic medication for anger management based on some of the symptoms of severe anger.
Classes for anger management are now and have long been offered by probation officers, criminal justice staff, teachers and self-appointed anger management specialists. Few of these providers have any specialized training in teaching others how to recognize and manage anger or impulse control.
Individual coaching/skill enhancement for anger management was introduced as an intervention as the result of research in emotional intelligence.
Dr. Steven J. Stein, in his publication, Emotional Intelligence –For Dummies, in the chapter entitled Emotional Intelligence For Anger Management makes the following statement: “Hot emotions, such as anger and jealousy, tend to get you into trouble and can be difficult to manage and control. You can use emotional intelligence to turn hot emotions into cool emotions and calm yourself down . . .”
Self-Awareness – People with high emotional intelligence are usually very self- aware.
Self-Regulation – This is the ability to control emotions and impulses. Persons who self-regulate, generally don’t allow themselves to become too angry or jealous.
The research and publications by Dr. Stein and other emotional intelligence experts have lead to at least three published client workbooks and curricula specifically designed for individual coaching of young children, adolescents, adults as well as “disruptive physicians” based on emotional intelligence. In addition, the EQ-I-2.0 Assessment for youth and adults has proven to be an excellent instrument for Pre and Post Assessments for the populations mentioned above.
Emotional Intelligence Coaching is perceived as far more positive and appropriate than anger management classes, counseling or psychotherapy. Professionals such as physicians are reluctant to seek psychotherapy for anger. In addition, there is concern over being defined as angry since any such label that implies psychopathology can risk career derailment for physicians or executives.

Traditional anger management counseling includes Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and other clinical techniques to “treat” anger. Since anger is not considered a mental illness (DSM-5), there is no evidence that any of these interventions are appropriate.

In contrast to counseling or psychotherapy for anger management, emotional intelligence coaching includes a wide range of intra and interpersonal relationship competencies. Some of these skills are self-awareness, self-control, social awareness, relationship management, empathy assertive communication as well as flexibility and stress tolerance.

Major providers of coaching, training and continuing medical education for physicians are rapidly moving towards skill enhancement coaching in emotional intelligence for impulse control. EI coaching with pre and post assessments is evidenced based for each coaching client. Therefore its’ impact on interpersonal relationships are greatly enhanced. This is now the treatment of choice for “disruptive behavior”.
The latest publication is Grab The Wheel a curriculum for young children and their parents for explosive anger.
Emotional Intelligence Facilitator Certification for Anger Management is trending nationwide. Anderson & Anderson, APC is the leading proponent and trainer of providers who are interested in coaching for anger management.
George Anderson, MSW, BCD, CAMF, EQ-I-Assessment Professional
Bryan Anderson, MSW, LCSW, CAMF, EQ-I-Assessment Professional

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Diffusing Anger in Others -

Diffusing Anger in Others - By George Anderson, MSW, BCD   Introduction Anger and aggression are often the product of frustration and a feeling of powerlessness. Listening is the most important skill in defusing anger. Do not attempt to reason with a person in the midst of irrational anger. Listening with your heart means trying to determine how the other...