Thursday, December 23, 2010

George Anderson to Campaign Against Fraudulent Anger Management Ads

Beginning January 2, the staff at Anderson and Anderson will send it’s list of Court Approved Providers to the Los Angeles Branches of the California State Superior Court. Once the list is sent to all Criminal and Family Law Courts, our staff will send this two page list to the advertising offices of google, Yahoo, linkedin and as many marketing sites as possible.

In addition, we will copy and post the internet ads in which providers are fraudulently claiming to be court appeared.All legitimate Court Approved Anger Management Providers whose practices appear on this list are asked to join in this campaign to expose these fraudulent scam artists.

All providers are asked to inform the Better Business Bureau as well as ad agencies which permit this type of advertisement.

Organizational Training- Anderson & Anderson

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Major Changes At Anderson & Anderson for 2011

December 21st, 2010
During the January 40-hour Anger Management Facilitator Certification Training, Anderson & Anderson will introduce its’ new Pre and Post Tests that will replace the model which we have used in the past. We are moving to an impressive on-line assessment which can will provide downloadable results in minutes.Some of the additional changes include the following:
  1. We will reward Certified Anderson & Anderson Anger Management Providers who  are on our Provider List by assisting them in aggressively marketing their practices.
  2. We will attempt to replicate the successful strategy used in California and Huntsville, Alabama in adopting the Anderson & Anderson Anger Management Curriculum for use in Criminal and Family Law Courts.
  3. We will automatically place all of Certified Providers who are on our Website List on the popular Anger Management Resource Directory at
  4. Each provider who signs up to be on our 2011  Certified Provider List will be given a copy  of  our new comprehensive Power Point Presentation on The Anderson & Anderson Adult Anger Management Curriculum.
  5. Free marketing tips will be placed on our blogs on a quarterly basis.
Please copy and place on your blog or website.George Anderson

California's Attorney General to Push for Anger Management in Corrections - Topix

Attorney General Elect, Kamila Harris has announced that she plans to move aggressively to dramatically increase anger management, substance abuse treatment, GED preparation, job skills, counseling and a wide range of other rehabilitation programs. This will mark a shift away from warehousing of prisoners. This departure for California will increase the nationwide trend towards rehabilitation in jails and prisons.

The Canadian Bureau of Prisons was one of the first Criminal Justice Systems to recognize the value of anger management for violence prone inmates. The Bureau of Prisons conducted a 15- year study regarding the effectiveness of anger management for male and female prisoners. Here are some of the results of that study:
1. An effective anger management program must have a curriculum.
2. The curriculum must include client workbooks that contain all of the material needed to complete the course.
3. Handouts are not useful as they trivialize the importance of the course.
4. Pre and Post Tests are crucial in order to determine the success or lack of success of the course for each participant.

Living Skills "Anger Management Programming for Federal Inmates: An Effective Intervention" (C. Dowden et al., 1999, R-82).
Compared a matched sample of male federal offenders to an untreated comparison group. Matched on age, risk and major offence.
Average follow-up period of 1.5 years. 
56 higher risk offenders who completed the Anger Management program showed a 69% reduction in non-violent recidivism (from 39.3% for the benchmark group to 12.5% in the program group) and an 86% reduction in violent recidivism (from 25% for the benchmark group to 3.6% in the program group).

The Canadian Bureau of Prisons has demonstrated in fifteen years of study that incarcerated defendants who are taught how to manage stress and anger using a cognitive behavior/emotional intelligence approach with client workbooks showed a 86% success rate. These skills are maintained when defendants are returned to their home communities. This longitudinal study reinforces the effectiveness of anger management.

In a more recent study conducted by Correctional Service in Canada (CSC), it was found out that inmate education results in lesser institutional behavior problems, pursuit of further education upon release from prison and increased chances of obtaining employment. Click here for more information: 

In summary, anger management is a profitable investment by the community in rehabilitation rather than a cost.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Anderson & Anderson Launches its 40-Hour Facilitator Training On-Line

Anderson & Anderson Anger Management Certification Goes On-Line
At the request of many potential anger management providers worldwide, Anderson & Anderson launched its internattionally recognized 40 hour Anger Management Facilitator Certification On-line November 2010.

This curriculum has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, NBC, CNN, ESPN, BBC, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, San Jose Mercury, London Times, Baltimore Sun Times, Toronto Star News, and NPR. The Anderson & Anderson Curriculum is used in all states in the U.S. as well as Canada, Guam, Puerto Rica, Japan, Germany, Cayman Islands, Bermuda, Philippines, UK and Australia.
According to Google/trends, Anger Management is one the fastest growing intervention is human services. This model is evidenced based with a Pre and Post Test making it excellent for use as a lucrative income stream for non-profits as well as psychotherapists in private practice and social service agencies. Anger Management is clearly inflation proof.
To enroll in this or any of our on-line classes, please visit our on-line store.
George Anderson

Self Referred Anger Management Clients Are Pleased With Results - Topix

Self Referred Anger Management Clients Are Pleased With Results - Topix

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Physicians Who Complete Emotional Intelligence Are Pleased With Results

Physicians nationwide who have completed six months of Executive Coaching for Emotional Intelligence/Anger Management report that the experience is positive and they are comfortable in referring other colleagues. Physician Well-Being Committees are equally pleased with the results.

It appears that the four emotional intelligence skills that are rated as the most helpful and the ones most critical for success in emotional intelligence coaching are:

  1. Interpersonal Assertion which is a personal communication skill indicated by the direct,honest, and appropriate expression of thoughts, feelings, and behavior.
  2. Interpersonal Awareness which is a personal skill in the ability to recognize and judge appropriate social and physical distance in verbal and non-verbal interactions with others.
  3. Empathy is a personal skill in the ability to accurately understand and accept another person's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
  4. Stress Management is personal skill in the ability to positively manage stress and anxiety in a wide range or areas.

In contrast to counseling or psychotherapy, emotional intelligence is practice based. The goal in emotional intelligence coaching for physicians is teach specific skills in self-awareness, self-control, social awareness, and relationship management.

In order to know which skills are needed, it is absolutely necessary for all coaching to begin with an assessment prior to coaching to determine the client’s skill level in a wide range of emotional intelligence skills. Following the assessment, skill enhancement exercises are practiced in real life situations until they are mastered to the satisfaction of the participant.

Post Tests are given at three months and six months to determine the success or lack of success on the intervention.