Friday, February 24, 2012

If you are an Anderson & Anderson Provider, you can increase your internet presence by adding the two links below.

Together, Anderson & Anderson Certified Anger Management Providers can dramatically increase their Internet Presence by marketing our provider list:

Please also link to our live training for Merced, Oakland, Los Angeles and Chicago:

The Anderson & Anderson Emotional Intelligence and Anger Management Curricula are expanding at a rapid rate worldwide.

George Anderson

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Space is still available for the April Chicago Training

Three-Day Live Anger Management Facilitator Training

Presented by Anger Management Guru: George Anderson, BCD, LCSW, CAMF
April 4, 5, 6, 2012
Embassy Suites Hotel Downtown Chicago
511 North Columbus Dr.
Chicago, IL 60611
(312) 836-5900
8:30 A.M. — 4:30 P.M.
$1,500 (includes client workbooks, facilitator guide, Motivational Interviewing CDs, and certification)
(310) 207-3591 or
Approved for CEU’s by CAADAC (#2n96-341-0805), BBS (#PCE60), CAADE (#CP40-793-C-1009), TCBAP, Texas Commission on Juvenile & Adult Probation and the CA. Board of Corrections, The Anderson & Anderson model of anger management is the most effective and widely recognized Anger Management curriculum in the world. This model, which has been featured in Los Angeles Times Magazine, focuses on enhancing emotional intelligence and assertive communication while introducing behavior strategies for identifying and managing anger and stress.
The First day of training will focus on Adolescent Anger Management and will use the Anderson workbook “Controlling Ourselves” as the text. A demonstration and discussion of the BarOn 2.0 Emotional Intelligence Assessment will be conducted.
On the Second day, Adult Anger Management will be examined. A demonstration of the Pre and Post Test will be conducted with a discussion of its usefulness. “Gaining Control of Ourselves,” in conjunction with experiential exercises and videos, will be used to initiate the participants to this intervention. Most major corporations have accepted this model for use by H.R. and EAP Managers.
The Third day of Training is Organizational Emotional Intelligence/Anger Management. This training is designed to prepare the participant to offer workshops or presentations regarding anger management, civility or emotional.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Testimonial from Dr. Adel E. Zaki, M.D., F.A.C.S., F.R.C.S. - Topix

Testimonial from Dr. Adel E. Zaki, M.D., F.A.C.S., F.R.C.S. - Topix

The New Anderson & Anderson Website is now functional

Here are some of the features of our new website:
1.    All of our trainings are now on the Home Page under Upcoming Classes.
  1. Ask a Question.The Anderson & Anderson FAQ page is carefully constructed to help you find answers to common questions.If you still can't find what you need, simply use our submission form to make an inquiry.
  2. Visit our blog.
  3. Take a look at our Testimonials. See what Dr. Adel E. Zaki has to say about our coaching for "disruptive physicians".
  4. Purchase products and services from our on-line store.
  5. Our new status as a Bar One EQ 2.0 Emotional Intelligence is now listed under Organizational Training.
  6. is the website of Anderson & Anderson Anger Management and Executive Coaching for "disruptive physicians"

George Anderson, MSW, BCD, CAMF

Monday, February 13, 2012

Emotional Intelligence for Coaches, Counselors and Psychotherapists

Bar On Emotional Intelligence 2.0 Training for Counselors, Facilitators and Psychotherapists

In recognition of the tremendous need to enhance the intervention options of Anger Management, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Professionals, Anderson & Anderson, APC has decided to present a series of CEU approved trainings designed to offer Emotional Intelligence concepts for Private Mental Health Practice.

These trainings will be held live and On-line throughout the nation. The first 8 -hour live training will be held in Los Angeles at the Offices of Anderson & Anderson on April 28,  2012, 8AM--5PM.

Participation will be limited to ten experienced professionals. Each participant will receive an invitation to complete the Comprehensive Bar On EQ 2.0 Assessment On-line prior to the course. One person will be invited to receive an assessment bebriefing/feedback and a Coaching Action Plan as a demonstration of this powerful instrument.

Dr. Adele Zaki, U.S. and Canadian Board Certified Surgeon will share his personal experience with the Bar On EQ 2.0 Assessment, The Practice of Control Physician Client Workbook as well as the Anderson & Anderson Contrasting Wheels of Behavior Quick Reference Guide to Emotional Intelligence.

This interactive training will demonstrate many uses of Emotional Intelligence for expanding your private practice areas of specializations.
Each Participant will receive the Bar On EQ 2.0 Assessment, The EQEdge, by Steven J. Stein and Howard E. Book, Contrasting Wheels of Behavior and a copy of The Practice of Control by George Anderson.

Cost: $300.00

George Anderson, MSW, BCD, CAMF
Certified Bar On EQ 2-0 Provider
Rene Sandevar, BSW, CAMF
Certified Bar On EQ 2.0 Provider
Adele Zaki, MD.
General Surgeon, Board Certified in the U.S. and Canada

Call 310-207-3591 to enroll.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Bar On EQi 2.0 Emotional Intelligence is now available On-line

Emotional Intelligence Assessments now available
What is emotional intelligence?

"a form of social intelligence that involves the ability to monitor one's own and others' feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them, and to use this information to guide one's thinking and action"

Anderson & Anderson
 is now offering comprehensive assessments in emotional intelligence, assertive communication, stress management, and anger management. These assessments are computer scored and contain an action plan for change.

The results may also be useful for H.R. Managers relative to under performing employees.

Cost: $150.

To schedule an appointment, contact Anderson & Anderson at 310-207-3591.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Anderson & Anderson website is dead! We are shocked!

We just learned that our new website at is actually dead. This means that we have been without a functional website for a number of months. Our webmaster is working furiously to correct this problem. We will keep all of our customers posted.

Thands for your patience and support.

George Anderson

Monday, February 6, 2012

Anderson & Anderson to drastically increase Anger Management Training

Trainings are now scheduled for Oakland, Los Angeles, Merced and soon Santa Clara, CA as well as Chicago. For more information or to enroll, contact our office at 310-207-3591 or visit out website at

George Anderson