Tuesday, July 7, 2020

“Anger Management/Emotional Intelligence Self-Coaching for leadership”

 Persons who have difficulties managing anger also exhibit deficits in self-awareness, self-control, social awareness, motivation, reality testing, empathy, optimism or other EI skills.

We know from research (and common sense) that people who understand and manage their own and others’ emotions make better leaders. They are able to deal with stress, overcome obstacles, and inspire others to work toward team goals. They manage conflictwith less fallout and build stronger teams. And they are generally happier at work. But far too many managers lack basic self-awareness and social skills. They don’t recognize the impact of their own feelings and moods. They are less adaptable than they need to be in today’s Covid-19 world. And they don’t demonstrate basic empathy for others: they don’t understand people’s needs, which means they are unable to meet those needs or inspire others to act.

For these reasons, this self-coaching interventionis based on Emotional Intelligence and includes Stress Management, Assertive Communication and Anger Management skills.
The American Psychiatric Association, maintains that anger is not a diagnosable nervous or mental disorder and therefore, not responsive to counseling, psychotherapy or psychotropic medication.

The intervention of choice is, or should be coaching designed to provide a baseline of the 15 competencies of Emotional Intelligence. Once the assessment is completed, a 33 -page report is sent to the client as well as the coach. There is an explanation of what each of the 15 scales mean, how it impacts the client at work and specific exercises for improvement of each of the 15 scales/competencies.

Here is the complete list the five Composites and Fifteen EI scales that are the focus of the Anderson & Anderson, APC Anger Management/Emotional Intelligence Coaching:

Total EI Score:

 Self-Regard                respecting oneself; confidence
Self-Actualization      pursuit of meaning
Emotional Self-Awareness         understanding on emotions

Emotional Self-Awareness
Assertiveness   communicating feelings, belief; non-offense
Independence   self-directed; free from emotional dependency

Interpersonal Relationships mutually satisfying relationships
Empathy   understanding, appreciating how others feel
Social Responsibility social conscious; helpful

Problem Solving find solutions when emotions are involved
Reality Testing  objective; see things as they really are
Impulse Control   resist or delay impulse to act

Flexibilityadapting emotions, thoughts and behaviors
Stress Tolerance       coping with stressful situations
Optimism  positive attitude and outlook on life

 Once a person enrolls in this training, they will receive an invitation to take the EQ-i-2.0 Assessment mentioned above. Several days after this brief assessment is completed, my office will schedule an appointment for me to personally provide debriefing via SKYPE. During the debriefing, the client will be helped to select 3 to 5 skills that he or she may want to enhance over a three month period of self-coaching that will include exercising or practicing skills for in emotional intelligence.

The same assessment (Post Assessment) will be repeated to determine the success or lack of success of the intervention after three months.

This training was originally developed for a steel company based in Galvan, Tenn. with Facility Managers in 13 countries including Romania, Australia and Croatia.

Cost: $597. This training may be used for teams or work groups.
Contact Jairo Wong at 310-476-0908 or www.andersonservices.com