Friday, July 14, 2017

Impulse-Control Requires More That Insight

Anderson & Anderson, APC provided Emotional Intelligence Coaching for Impulse Control to a 62-year-old attorney who had been in psychoanalysis for 25 years for problems managing his anger. While he was an expert on where his first angry feelings came from and how they related to an incident with his mother at age 6, his ability to control his angry behavior had not improved during his many years of psychoanalytic treatment.
As the result of his lack of progress managing his impulse to behave aggressively when angry, he confronted his psychoanalyst who referred him for Emotional Intelligence Skill Enhancement Coaching for impulse control.
Practicing attorneys are well known for their obsession with facts. This attorney was therefore excited to learn the objective results of his competencies in Self-Regard, Self-Actualization, Emotional Self-Awareness, Emotional Expression, Assertiveness, Independence, Interpersonal Relationships, Empathy, Social Responsibility, Problem Solving, Reality Testing, Impulse Control, Flexibility, Stress Tolerance and Optimism.
By simply learning about his level of competency in these 15 Emotional Intelligence scales and how they related to his behavior provided him with considerable optimism. He quickly recognized the need practice to emotional intelligence skill enhancement in the areas in which he scored in the low or mid range.
Practical applications of Emotional Intelligence Skill Enhancement is needed and wanted by a wide range of professionals whose success is closely related to their ability to influence others based on these important interpersonal skills.
In contrast to counseling or psychotherapy, skill enhancement in emotional intelligence is practice and evidence based. A comprehensive EQ-i-2.0 Assessment designed to provide a base line of EI competencies precedes the coaching. Once the assessment is reviewed and the client is debriefed, skill enhancement coaching is provided over a six-month period.
The coaching is augmented by the use of DVDs, CDs, client workbooks along with specific exercises related to each skill. At the end of six months, the same assessment is administered in order to objectively determine the results of the coaching.
Emotional Intelligence Coaching for Professionals including attorneys, physicians and executives is trending in New York, San Francisco and Los Angeles. Clients are requesting the 12-hour intensive followed by coaching via phone or Skype from Saudi Arabia, San Juan, Puerto Rica and other major U.S. cities.
The Anderson & Anderson, APC’s Emotional Intelligence Coaching is a respected coaching model specifically designed to enhance the skills that physicians, attorneys, executives, managers, and athletes need to meet the demands of a high-stress, high-performance environment. Our program recognizes the qualities present in top leaders as well as top employees, and uses a customized assessment to help you make your skills functional.
For more information, visit our website at or contact George Anderson at 310-476-0908.

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