Monday, January 5, 2015

Questionable On-line Anger Management Programs

 The major goal of The American Association Of Anger Management Providers (AAAMP) for 2015 is to expose fraud in anger management programs in the U.S. Our first project is the review of programs that sell Certificates of Completion in lieu of classes in anger management.

Laguna Beach, California leads the nation in fraudulent anger management classes. The King of on-line anger management certificates of completion offers proof of completion to anyone for as low as $65 for an entire course. His competitors are offering the same completion certificates for $24.

Anyone interested in avoid attending a court mandated, legitimate anger management program can simply enroll in one of these bogus programs and receive a completion certificate only hours after the Pay Pal fees have been processed. Busy Judges and Prosecutors have little time to spend of low-level crimes like infractions or misdemeanors. Most anger management offenses fall in these categories.

Here are a few of the programs that are selling Anger Management Completion Certificates that are as popular as Apple I-phones:

Unsuspecting Judges and Probation Departments are approving these Certificates of Completion without examining their legitimacy. The average time that a California Superior Court Judge has to review misdemeanors cases is three minutes. Hardly enough time to check on the credibility of the hundreds of scams associated with anger management in California.

The links below provide additional examples of fraud in Anger Management Programs:
The American Association of Anger Management Providers is willing to offer free training to any Judge or Court Officer in the U.S. who is involved in prosecuting anger management courses.
George Anderson, MSW, LCSW, BCD, CAMF

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