Saturday, May 11, 2013

The Bar On EQ-i-2.0 Emotional Intelligence Assessment is Unprecidented

May 9, 2013 

The Bar On EQ-i 2.0 Emotional Intelligence Assessment Is Unprecidented

Regardless of the source of the referral, "disruptive physicians", mandated attorney referrals for civility training, self referrals, husbands, wives or significant others all respond positively to the results of the Pre Assessment administered prior to Anger Management / Emotional Intelligence Coaching.

Let's take a look at three case examples from the Brentwood office of Anderson & Anderson
    An accomplished TV Personality was referred by her attorney for one year of anger management coaching as mandated by the court.  Once the client received feedback on her assessment, she was eager to begin the coaching as she recognized the need to address an issue that was long standing and a recurring problem in intimate relationships.
    A 27 year old Certified Public Accountant claimed to have sought volunteer anger management coaching for a bar fight that occurred in another state.  When he was given the results of his Emotional Intelligence Assessment, he acknowledged that he has a history of aggression that had impacted his work and personal relationships.
    The 21-year-old son of a wealthy Beverly Hills family assaulted a casino employee that resulted in a referral for eight hours of anger management.  When he grasped the seriousness of his emotional intelligence deficits, he was able to recognize the importance of committing to six months of weekly emotional intelligence coaching.
The Bar On EQ-i 2.0 Emotional Intelligence Assessment is a powerful instrument for detailing the level of competence for clients in 35 areas related to intra and interpersonal relationships.

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