Tuesday, July 5, 2016

10 Tips For Establishing A Successful Anger Management Practice

It appears that the entire world is exploding with anger that is clouding the ability to think clearly. Isis, the Republican Party, Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders have all seized on the mood of the world for positive or negative use. As one might expect, the incidence of aggressive behavior, road rage, simple battery, family violence, desk rage and workplace violence has also increased throughout the U.S. Therefore, the need for Certified Anger Management Facilitators (CAMF) has increased worldwide.

Courts, jails, prisons, business and industry as well as healthcare organizations nationwide are seeking credible providers of Anger Management/Emotional Intelligence for impulse control.

Some steps to take to position your practice to get referrals:

1.All providers should complete the 40-Hour training in Anger Management Facilitator Certification offered by Anderson & Anderson live or on the Internet. Being part of a recognized brand paves the way for legitimacy.

2. Select an office location that is safe, has easy access to public transportation and will attract clients with the ability to pay.

 3. Select a niche that is needed and wanted by business, industry as well as the Judicial System.

 4. Establish a simple website with a blog, resource page and a clear explanation of your program and related products.

 5. Join and actively participate in LinkedIn, twitter, Facebook and Pinterest.

 6. Pose questions and offer comments on the blogs of other professionals.

7. Join The American Association of Anger Management Providers and market your website on the two pages that come with membership.

 8. Commit to offering a recognized Emotional Intelligence Curriculum for skill enhancement in impulse control with a Pre and Post Assessment.

 9. Write an e-book and offer it free on your website.

 10. Consider writing and self-publishing your own book on emotional intelligence and/or anger management. Keep in mind that marketing is necessary for anyone expecting to succeed financially and professionally.

Emotional Intelligence for impulse control can be added to a private psychotherapy practice as well as a substance abuse program or a medical practice. Currently, Anderson & Anderson, APC is providing Anger Management Coaching via Skype to clients in Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Puerto Rica and Spain.

George Anderson, The Anger Management Guru

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