Seminar Schedule
Anderson & Anderson is the largest provider of Certified Anger Management Facilitator Training in the world. Our curriculum is the industry standard worldwide. Anderson & Anderson, the trusted name in anger management, offers certification for both adult and adolescent facilitators. CAADAC, CAADE, CA. Board of Corrections and BBS approve our training for CEU’s. In addition, this training is Approved TIER 1 for Special Advancement for Achievement for Veterans Administration Social Workers. We are an approved vendor for SAM. The Anderson & Anderson Anger Management Curricula is the only anger management training approved by the state for the training of Probation, Parole and Correctional Officers in California. Please click here to register and purchase our Three-Day Live Anger Management Facilitator Training.
Need further information on our Three-Day Live Training? Click here for a detailed three page brochure: LIVE TRAINING PROGRAM FLYEr
Emotional Intelligence/Anger Management Facilitator Certification
Presented by George Anderson
When: July 20, 21, 22, 2017
Where: Anderson and Anderson
2300 Westridge Road
Los Angeles, CA 90049
Time: 9:00 A.M. — 4:00 P.M.
Cost: $1, 500 (includes client workbooks, facilitator guide, Motivational Interviewing CDs, and certification)
Three-Day Live Anger Management/Emotional Intelligence Facilitator Certification Training
Objectives: This training is designed for persons interested in providing anger management to children, adolescents and adults as well and business and industry.
Emotional Quotient Intelligence (EQ-I 2.0) on-line assessment
All participants will take the EQ-I 2.0 prior to the event and receive their results; which will need to be printed out and brought with you to the training. (A link to access this assessment will be e-mailed to each person).
Each participant will receive the items listed below:
Gaining Control of Ourselves, Controlling Ourselves, Grab The Wheel, Contrasting Wheels of Behavior, Facilitator Guide, Motivational Interviewing CD, sample proposals, progress reports & attendance sheets will be made available.
Organizational Emotional Intelligence/Anger Management This training is designed to prepare the participant to offer workshops or presentations regarding anger management, stress management, communication, civility or emotional intelligence.
Time will be spent on establishing and marketing a practice in Anger Management/Emotional Intelligence.
The first day of training is Anger Management for Adolescents and Adults. The second day of training is Organizational Anger Management and how to establish a private practice. The third day of training will be devoted to Anger Management for Young Children.
To register go to our website at or send a check along with your name, address, telephone and email address or simply phone our office and enroll via phone with a credit card at 310-476-0908.

1-Day Grab The Wheel Anger Management for Kids Training
Next Training Available: Saturday August 19th in Los Angeles, CA
8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
This 1-Day training will provide a comprehensive guide to those interested in using the Grab The Wheel Curriculum with children in their organization, classroom, or family. Training Outline provided below.
8:30 AM: Coffee/Breakfast Snacks, Meet and Greet
9 AM: Introduction and Bio, Training & Experience, Theoretical Background for My Approach
“You don’t have to be sick, to get better” (15 mins)
Get to know the class, Goal for the Day
Name, Location, Organization, Role, Goal, 1 thing that makes you MAD (15 mins)
9:30 AM: Seminar Outline and Objectives – Handout
“To teach kids, we must be able to teach ourselves”
11:15 AM: Anger In Children (and other challenging behaviors)
12 PM: Reinventing The Wheels
2 PM: Reinforcers, Stickers, Money, Magnets
2:10 PM: Using Illustrations, Coconut Coping Tree, other tools
2:20 PM: Walkthrough Example – Case Study: Hurricane Randall, etc, show social story of losing a game or fight over bikes
2:30 PM: Class Roleplay in Groups W/ Scenario
3:15 BREAK
3:30 PM: Questions/Case Examples
4 PM: Other offerings, full CAMF, EQ Coaching, Online Classes, Consults
4:15 PM: Questions
8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
This 1-Day training will provide a comprehensive guide to those interested in using the Grab The Wheel Curriculum with children in their organization, classroom, or family. Training Outline provided below.
8:30 AM: Coffee/Breakfast Snacks, Meet and Greet
9 AM: Introduction and Bio, Training & Experience, Theoretical Background for My Approach
“You don’t have to be sick, to get better” (15 mins)
Get to know the class, Goal for the Day
Name, Location, Organization, Role, Goal, 1 thing that makes you MAD (15 mins)
9:30 AM: Seminar Outline and Objectives – Handout
- Psychoeducation & Establish The Need. Why Early Intervention? (15 mins)
- Basics Of The Model: Behavioral Therapy & Social Skills (15 mins)
- Course Goals & Objectives (15 mins)
“To teach kids, we must be able to teach ourselves”
- EQ is needed for jobs with high stress and need for interpersonal relationship skills
- Defining EQ – Goleman, The EQi 2.0, The EQ Edge, Practical Examples
- Anderson & Anderson Anger Management & EQ Coaching: History & Current Uses
- Psychotherapy→ Domestic Violence→ Anger Management→ EQ
- Anger Management focused on Anger Control and physiological consequences of anger. Anger Management coined by Raymond Novaco. Too Narrow. Does not focus on skill enhancement. Insight-oriented treatments do not necessarily lead to change in an individual’s behavior, if the individual still lacks the skills
- Switch to EQi 2.0 Model and Coaching. Positive Psychology, Stigma Free, good for those who are resistant to “psychotherapy”
- Including Adults–Parents AND Teachers.
- We need the parents and our OWN engagement. Provides an example of what future problems can look like without skills.
- The Contrasting Wheels Of Behavior and The EQ Assessment and Post-Test Debrief – an example of how to use a measurement tool with Adults or Children
- Reinventing the Wheels into Child Friendly and Visual Lessons
11:15 AM: Anger In Children (and other challenging behaviors)
- The focus cannot simply be on Anger. Must include social skills, and vice versa. Struggles or deficits in communication is the most common trigger for Anger.
- Lack of coping skills for Anxiety or frustration can frequently be true triggers.
- How Anger Develops in Children – A Developmental Review
- How Parents Reinforce Bad Behavior, How Teachers Can Make it Worse
- Frustration Tolerance
- Sensory Overload
- Trouble Sharing
- Inability to Communicate
- Inability to ID & Express Emotions
- Not Listening
- Hurt Feelings
- Being Teased/Left Out
- Losing
- Something taken
- Struggling, Feeling Insecure
- Getting Hurt
- Rigidity
- Dealing with Change
- Unexpected, New things
- Not Getting Your Way
- Having to share
- Something broken, not working
12 PM: Reinventing The Wheels
- Child-friendly language and visual learning
- To Review: A&A Contrasting Wheels of Behavior→ The Good Choice Wheel
- Teach the wheel using social stories, illustrations
- Reinforcement to encourage use of more positive skills
- Goals: Increase Awareness, Improve Social Problem Solving and Coping Skills, using all of these together will help children better manage frustration and anger, and prevent small conflicts from escalating
- Doctors in the OR, Husbands and Wives, please point out when I am using X or Y choice
- Emotion ID
- Empathy
- Strong Words
- Listening
- Say How I Feel
- Try Something Different
2 PM: Reinforcers, Stickers, Money, Magnets
2:10 PM: Using Illustrations, Coconut Coping Tree, other tools
2:20 PM: Walkthrough Example – Case Study: Hurricane Randall, etc, show social story of losing a game or fight over bikes
2:30 PM: Class Roleplay in Groups W/ Scenario
3:15 BREAK
3:30 PM: Questions/Case Examples
4 PM: Other offerings, full CAMF, EQ Coaching, Online Classes, Consults
4:15 PM: Questions
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