Pros And Cons Of Individual vs. Corporate Coaching Niches
During my nine years as an
Executive Coach, I quickly learned that there is considerable value in
selecting a coaching niche that is useful to an industry as well key
professionals in that industry. If you provide
generic executive coaching, you will need to develop a brand that is widely
recognized across industries. For example, leadership coaching can be generic
or industry based.
An alternative is to
carefully select an industry such as University Faculty, Law Firms or
“disruptive physicians’ and brand your model for that population. If your
intervention is exceptional or evidenced based, over time, organizations will
most likely serve as a constant source of referrals to your practice of new
leaders or leaders whose behavior at work may risk career derailment.
If you develop expertise in
leadership coaching in general, it may be difficult for stakeholders in the shipping/stevedore
industry to believe that you know enough about the culture of their
organization and the services offered to be useful in coaching executives in
that industry.
In 2006, I was asked by the
CEO of a Major Hospital Chain to write a coaching curriculum consistent with
the 2007 Joint Commission On The Accreditation of Health Care Organizations
Sentinel Alert on “disruptive physicians”. Research conducted for the Joint
Commission indicates that 3% of U.S. Physicians per year need to complete
coaching for “disruptive behavior”. This means that coaching for this
population is likely to continue over time. One of our Corporate Healthcare Organizational
clients has 17,000 physicians in California alone. This number represents an
incredible source of ongoing referrals.
Physicians do not become
physicians in order to lead others. Rarely does a physician pursue medicine to
become a leader. Rather, they are first and foremost committed to saving lives
as well as patient care. There is little that physician leadership shares with
manufacturing, high tech, engineering or hospitality. Successful physician
coaches must understand the culture of Healthcare Organizations. In addition,
it is helpful to understand the work that is done be each specialty in
medicine. The stressors associated with being a surgeon are far different than
those of a pathologist.
Both the corporation/industry
as well as the client will likely feel more comfortable with coaches who are
knowledgeable and experienced in coaching colleagues from their industry. Persons trained in Executive Coaching without
experience in a particular industry are at a clear disadvantage.
For the coach, when marketing
to corporations, the need to market your services are dramatically reduced as
the organization is more likely to encourage leaders and “disruptive physicians” to consider coaching
for skills in interpersonal relationship, empathy, mentoring and other
Emotional Intelligence competencies.
In Summary,
if you specialize in a narrow coaching niche that is needed and wanted by organizations
and persons with the ability to pay, your chances of success will be
dramatically increased. Mandatory Civility Training/Coaching is now required
for Attorneys in many states. Coaches who offer coaching in this niche are in
demand and are receiving referrals from law firms as well as State Bar
Associations and licensing boards.
George Anderson, MSW, BCD, CAMF
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