Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Road Rage Is Reaching Epidemic Proportions

Road rage is a term that has become popular to describe angry, hostile reactions when driving that are directed toward other drivers. Ranging from acts of true violence to aggressive tailgating and gesturing, road rage is on the rise all over the world. Men are more likely to be perpetrators of road rage than are women.

“Aggressive driving is a traffic offense; road rage is a criminal offense.” according to the National Transportation Administration.  This week’s tragic road rage incident in New Mexico serves as a reminder of the escalation of road rage nationwide.

In response to the increase in all types of anger related offenses,
anger management programs are now being offered by mental health as well as substance abuse and social service agencies. Private practice psychotherapists are seeking certification in anger management as an additional income stream.

Anderson & Anderson, APC is the largest provider of Certification for Anger Management Providers. The Anderson & Anderson, APC curriculum is accepted in every state in the nation as well as Canada and the UK.

The anger that triggers “road rage” is not an illness and therefore, should not be “treated” with counseling, psychotherapy or psychotropic medication. According to the American Psychiatric Association, anger is a normal human emotion. Anger is a problem when it is:

·      Too intense
·      Occurs too frequently
·      Lasts too long
·      Impacts health
·      Destroys work, school or personal relationships
·      Leads to aggression or violence.

Anger is always a secondary emotion. Some of the feelings that come before anger are fatigue, frustration, stress, anxiety, depression or intoxication. Persons who are prone to angry outbursts generally score low in the following emotional intelligence scales: self-awareness, self-control, empathy, social awareness, assertiveness, flexibility and problem solving,

The most appropriate intervention for road rage and other types of problem anger is emotional intelligence coaching for impulse control. Motivated clients are able to learn how to recognize and manage the behavior that follows angry feelings such as frustration or anger. All Anger Management Facilitators in California are required to complete a 40 hour Certified Anger Management Program that includes a Pre and Post Assessment along with language specific client workbooks and ancillary training material. Providers who are not certified are not accepted as vendors for court mandated defendants.

Anger management coaching or classes are effective for persons convicted of road rage. These classes must have client workbooks, pre and post assessments and must be lead by Certified Anger Management Facilitators.

For a partial list of Certified Anger Management Facilitators by state click here:

George Anderson, MSW, LCSW, BCD, CAMF

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