Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Key to Success In Private Practice!

The only way to make a lot of money in Private Psychotherapy Practice is to make money while you are asleep. This means that it is essential to have multiple streams of income independent of your active involvement.
Since I have had a remarkable private practice for forty years, I would like to share a small list of things that have worked for me in the past and what is working now:
               Specialization in a needed intervention. For me, Child Psychotherapy gave me my start and Executive Coaching/Anger Management is the current spealization.
               Seek additional training in your specialty.(Harvard University in Child Psychotherapy served me well)
               Have a professionaly designed website with a blog established for your practice.
               Master Social Networking, blogging, presenting, writing articles making T.V. and radio appearences.
               Write books, blogs and articles about your narrow speciality.
               Market your books on your website as well as through your own and Affiliate Programs of others. This brings in money while you are asleep. (Anderson & Anderson) earns in excess of $100,000 per year in books alone.
               Self-publish your books, posters, DVDs, CDs and other material associated with your specialty. (Our books are printed in China for $1.50 and sell for $28 to $250 each)
               Train others in your speciality. (We train providers all over the U.S. as well as other English Speaking countries)
               The Anderson & Anderson Anger Management Training is three days at a cost of $1500 per person. If ten persons attend, that equals $15000.00.
               Provide your services in other languages.(Our curriculum is published in Spanish, English, Chinese and French)
               If you would like to receive high fees for your work, locate your office in an affluent area. (We are in Brentwood)
               Work with a high income demographic. (We provide Coaching for Physicians and Attorneys)
               Provide a service that is need or wanted. (We provide anger management which is often mandated by Human Resource Managers, Hospital Administrators and Courts)
               Coaching and Anger Management can add additional streams of income for Manged Care Practices.
               Always charge more that everyone else. Inexpensive is really cheap and gains you nothing.
               Whenever you need or want a raise, increase you fees or the price of your products.
Join our blog for monthly updates on how to succeed in Private Psychotherapy Practice. For what its’ worth, click here for a summary of my practice success:
George Anderson

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