This blog is focused on the latest trends in anger management and executive coaching for physicians and high profile clients. It is one of the most popular blogs on the internet for anger management Facilitator Certification Training as well as books and products.
During the late nineties, I was asked to represent The California Chapter of The National Association of Social Workers as to a State Assembly Committee drafting legislation on Domestic Violence.
This legislation was carried by Assemblyman Dan Burton of San Francisco. The final legislation resulted in California Penal Code 1203.097 and 1203.098.
Since I played a role in getting the legislation passed and had been trained in Domestic Violence Batterer’s Intervention by the Duluth Domestic Violence Intervention Project, I decided to develop and publish my own curriculum consistent with the regulations of this new law.
“A Ray Of Hope” was published in 2004. This was the first and remains the only published Batterer’s Intervention Curriculum specifically designed to address all of the requirements of the domestic violence legislation mentioned above.
This publication is available in 8 languages including Russian, Vietnamese, Chinese, Spanish and Japanese. Is acceptable in Chile as well as all states in the U.S.
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