Sunday, October 27, 2019

Anderson & Anderson, APC is the leading provider of Emotional Intelligence Coaching for “disruptive Physicians”

Marketing experts assert that the most effective marketing strategy for service businesses is to consistently provide excellent services. Competence almost automatically leads to word of mouth marketing from satisfied customers. Anderson & Anderson has taken the word of mouth to mouth marketing concept to a new high in the area of Executive Coaching/Emotional Intelligence for Disruptive Physicians.

If you enter the keywords: anger management for physicians, emotional intelligence for “disruptive physicians, or leadership coaching for physicians, Anderson & Anderson will come up number one in all search engines. We have earned our place at the top by being the first provider in the nation to develop a specific curriculum, with a non-psychiatric assessment component, client workbook, DVDs, posters and ancillary training material designed exclusively for “disruptive physicians,” as defined by the Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO). Other similar programs are either modified anger management classes for drug addicts or criminal court mandated defendants; some programs are actually psychiatric treatment centers for mentally impaired physicians.

The Anderson & Anderson Executive Coaching/Anger Management for Disruptive Physicians program was originally developed at the request of Dr. Willie Williams, who was an administrator at Tenet Health Care of Dallas at the time. The goal was to tailor a program specifically for “disruptive physicians, “excluding mandatory substance abuse or psychiatric assessment, which can prove damaging to a physician’s career. In addition, the program was to focus on skill enhancement, rather than counseling or psychotherapy.

Therefore, the Anderson & Anderson curriculum is, in essence, a skill enhancement based intervention model designed to enhance one’s skills in the areas of: emotional intelligence, assertive communication, empathy, self-awareness, self-control, social awareness and relationship management. The comprehensive, validated assessment instruments determine the participants’ level of functioning in all of the areas mentioned above. Subsequent coaching concentrates on the areas in which the client scores in the deficit or average range.
In recognition of the busy schedules of physicians, our services are available either at our Los Angeles office, or on-site anywhere in the nation. The program is twelve hours over a two-day period, followed by phone contacts bi-monthly with post-tests over a six-month period. In contrast to University based programs Continuing Medical Education, our intervention is offered on a confidential individual basis. Services are provided on-site anywhere in the U .S. or at our Brentwood/Los Angeles Office.
For additional information or to enroll in our Executive Coaching/Anger Management for physicians, please phone our office at 310-476-0908.