Monday, April 22, 2019

My First Collaboration Meeting With An Engineering Professor

“University education needs to be able to prepare graduates, not just with engineering fundamentals, but also for success and actual on-the-job skills. Essential for the skills set for an engineer includes capabilities in emotional intelligence. Initially embraced by management, emotional intelligence should be embraced by all professions.” Marc J. Reimer Tomorrow, Tuesday, I am spending the day with an Engineering Professor from The University of Texas. We will explore ways that Anderson & Anderson, APC may collaborate on strategies to increase the integration of Emotional Intelligence skill enhancement into Graduate Programs in Engineering. ANOTHER EXCITING WEEK AT ANDERSON & ANDERSON, APC

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Emotional Intelligence Coaching Is Needed And Wanted In Healthcare

In addition to mandated physician referrels for "disruptive behavior" three physicians enrolled voluntarily in our six-month EI Coaching Program for physicians since Monday.

A fourth physician was rejected for a leadership role and offered an opportunity to seek Emotional Intelligence Coaching for leadership.

Finally, three unsuccessful coaches enrolled in the Anderson & Anderson Emotional Intelligence Coaching certification program. 


Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Depression and Anxiety are commonly seen in persons with low EI scores

Emotional Intelligence Coaching Clients with low EQ-i-2.0 scores tend to suffer from depression or anxiety. Research in Emotional Intelligence confirms these observations that are seen by Executive  Coaches in practice.

Post Assessment Results along with clinical evaluations indicates that when scores in self-regard, interpersonal relationships, stress tolerance and optimism improves symptoms of depression and anxiety decreases.