Friday, December 28, 2018

2019 Trends In Emotional Intelligence Coaching

 As 2018 comes to an end, the trends for the coming year indicates that Emotional Intelligence Coaching is providing evidence of it’s effectiveness for a surprisingly wide range of clients. Emotional Intelligence skill enhancement is a positive intervention that is easy for clients to embrace. There are no stigmas attached to increasing one’s ability in self-awareness, self-control, social awareness and relationship management.

Referrals for “disruptive physicians and executives” showed a dramatic increase in November and December. Emotional Intelligence Assessments and coaching for executive leadership continues to increase across industries. This includes IT, Healthcare and Entertainment.

One of the most notable trends for 2019 is the interest in emotional intelligence assessments and coaching on the part of millennia’s.

Here are some of the unusual requests recently:
·     A request to present on Emotional Intelligence for Capital One Café’s.
·     An invitation to present on Emotional Intelligence at a Malibu Retreat for millennia’s.
·     A combination of live and SKYPE coaching for a couple from Saudi Arabia.
·     Emotional Intelligence assessments for work groups regarding conflicts.
·     Requests and referrals of autistic/young children with explosive anger.
·     Emotional Intelligence parenting.

 Certification in Emotional Intelligence Coaching is an excellent addition to mental health practice.

Friday, December 21, 2018

Executive Coaches Can Benefit From Training In Mental Health

 Generally, when I receive a new coaching client, I ask for information on the reason for the referral and what, if any other interventions have been attempted. Some of the coaching requests are coaching to develop skills, enhance performance, develop leadership or disruptive behavior.

Since 2017, I have provided a six-month Emotional Intelligence skill enhancement in a wide range of emotional intelligence competencies. We have used the EQ-i-2.0 Pre and Post Assessment for each client. In addition, I routinely provide a clinical assessment for psychological functioning.

Most of my coaching clients have been physicians. A significant number are experiencing un-diagnosed depression, anxiety and relationship conflicts. In general, professionals and managers have higher rates of stress, anxiety and depression than skilled, semiskilled and unskilled individuals.  For coaches not trained in psychology and mental health, is it is simply not possible to assess for mental health problems in their coaching clients.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Anderson & Anderson, APC Anger Management Coaching for Executives

The Model + How It Works

The A + A Emotional Intelligence Coaching for Professionals is designed to meet the needs of high-level executives, physicians, and clients who prefer to be seen on an individual basis for specialized coaching and increased privacy.
The program includes The Practice of Control, our client workbook for Physicians and other Professionals, Gaining Control of Ourselves, our anger management DVD, and the Contrasting Wheels of Behavior – the DO’s and DONT’s of self-control.
After scheduling a coaching session, each of our coaching clients receives an E-mail containing access to the internationally recognized  EQ-i 2.0 Emotional Intelligence assessment.  The assessment can be taken online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to most conveniently accommodate the client’s schedule.
Our Clients report back that it takes about 15 – 20 minutes to complete.  For the best results, don’t overthink it.  Read the questions and answer honestly for the most accurate results and most effective service from A + A.  You will find it easy and interesting!

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Within the next week, AAAMP will inmate a Go Fund Me Campaign for two schools

The American Association of Anger Management Providers has decided to initiate a Go Fund Me Campaign to secure funding for anger management classes in lieu of suspension for aggressive behavior.  Two middle schools located in low- income communities of Los Angeles County will be the recipients of these classes. One school is in the Skid Row area of downtown Los Angeles. The second school is in Lynwood, an impoverished community near Compton.

Certified Anger Management Facilitators who are members of The American Association of Anger Management will provide a one -semester anger management/emotional intelligence class in each school using pre and post EQ-i-2.0 assessments along with the internationally recognized Anderson & Anderson, APC curriculum. 

Graduate students from two Social Work Schools will conduct research on the effectiveness of these two pilot programs.