Sunday, October 28, 2018

15 Steps to Substantial Income in Anger Management

George Anderson  
George Anderson 

Conduct an Internet search to determine the most widely recognized anger management model in the nation. 
Develop a business plan, including appropriate finances for a least one year. 
Access Anger Management Facilitator Certification in the model that you have chosen. 
Purchase the client workbooks, posters, DVDs, CDs and assessment instruments for the model chosen and take time to master all of this material. 
Rent a part time Conference Room from a local hotel, attorney's office or other professional on Tuesday and Thursday evenings and all day Saturdays. 
Secure a business license and DBA in your town or city. 
Find a professional website developer to design a dedicated anger management/executive coaching website with extensive links to related businesses and organizations. Request links back from these sites. 
Develop and implement an aggressive marketing plan including ads on as many anger management websites, as well as Google and Yahoo. 
Join and participate in the American Association of Anger Management Providers.

Establish yourself as a local or regional expert in anger management and executive coaching. 
Join and market your services to all of the businesses in your local Chamber of Commerce. 
Write ezine articles and blog entries on anger management and executive coaching to as many sites as possible. 
Put most, if not all of the income from your first year of operation back into your practice development. 
Place marketing DVDs for the major practice areas on which you will focus on your website as well as YouTube, MySpace and other similar sites. 
Think BIG!

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Anderson & Anderson, APC Are The Experts In Emotional Intelligence Training

I would like to share my incredible success as an Emotional Intelligence Coach for “disruptive physicians”. “Disruptive physicians” is a term coined in 2007 by Dr. Alan Rosenstein, M.D. on behalf of The Join Commission on The Accreditation of Healthcare Organization in the U.S. In short, a disruptive physician is a physician whose behavior at work “may risk patient safety”.

I was the first person in the U.S. to offer this type of coaching and quickly become the largest provider based on the fact that I was asked to develop a non-psychiatric intervention for physicians. In addition, I was aided in developing this curriculum by a group of physicians most of whom are surgeons.

In addition to coaching physicians, we provide emotional intelligence skill enhancement training for hospitals and healthcare organizations including team development. Please visit Google me, George Anderson, MSW, LCSW, CAMF.  Please also view my linked in profile.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

One Physician Referral From A Hospital Is Worth 100 Self-referrals

 Coaching niches that focus on “helping clients become the person they were meant to be” are unlikely to ever receive a referral from a Hospital or any other organization. If your client referral base is dependant on the general public, it will be almost impossible to sustain a coaching practice.

A practical business response may be to seek a niche that is needed by persons who have the resources to pay. Emotional Intelligence Coaching is a broad niche that is increasing in popularity on a daily basis,

Emotional Intelligence Coaching works for Anger Management

Anger is a normal human emotion that is secondary to stress, anxiety, depression or some other primary emotion. Anger is not a pathological disorder. According to the American Psychiatric Association, anger is a lifestyle issue and not in the domain of mental illness.
There are seven signs that anger is problematic in a person’s life:
  • When anger is too frequent
  • When anger is too intense
  • When anger last too long
  • When anger leads to aggression
  • When anger destroys relationships
  • When anger impacts health
  • When anger risks career derailment
For the first time in the history of Executive Coaching for Anger Management, the number of volunteer and mandated referrals are coming from H.R. Managers, intimate partners and physician well-being committees nationwide.

As high-income professionals experience the positive effects of the skill enhancement components of emotional intelligence coaching, they refer or recommend coaching for colleagues, direct reports or family members.
Word of mouth referrals are off the charts
The critical factors that account for the effectiveness of Emotional Intelligence Coaching for impulse control are its comprehensive non-psychiatric assessments, which are based on 15 Emotional Intelligence Scales.
These scales are:
  • Self-Regard
  • Self-Actualization
  • Emotional Self-Awareness
  • Emotional Expression
  • Assertiveness
  • Independence
  • Interpersonal Relationships
  • Empathy
  • Social Responsibility
  • Problem Solving
  • Reality Testing
  • Impulse Control
  • Flexibility
  • Stress Tolerance
  • Optimism.
The EQ-I-2.0 Emotional Intelligence Assessment that is used in this coaching program is offered on-line and the coaching is available live our via Skype by George or Bryan Anderson.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

One Positive Unintended Consequence Of Heavy Traffic In California

One Positive Unintended Consequence Of Heavy Traffic In California

My firm, Anderson & Anderson, APC provides Emotional Intelligence Coaching for Professionals. For physicians and busy executives, time is valuable and expensive.

In coaching surgeons, I quickly learned that the cost of one lost hour of driving to and from coaching is extremely costly for the surgeon, the hospital and frequently, the patient. 

In response to this problem, I began offering to provide coaching to the surgeon on-site. This immediately became popular based on the cost savings to our clients. I charge $500 per hour. In contrast to a surgeon’s fees, this amount is a clear bargain.

Beginning next week, I will fly from Los Angeles weekly for a two- hour session with a physician leader. I will be reimbursed for ground translation, round trip air fair and my fees. This will be a six-month program.

Success in coaching depends on demonstrated expertise in a niche that is needed and wanted by clients who have the ability to pay. In addition, the client’s needs should always come first.

What's New In Anger Management?

Forget about Court Mandated defendants dominating anger management groups. Forget about most anger management being offered in a small group format. Certified Anger Management Facilitators throughout the U.S. are reporting a remarkably different client population.

Lets take a look at the changing client population of Certified Anger Management Facilitators.(CAMF):

1). Caucasian males who are college graduates are seeking assistance at the request of their significant others.

2). Beverly Hills Teenage girls and boys are voluntarily seeking anger management to enhance communication skills and emotional intelligence. Emotional Intelligence increases one’s popularity.

3). Psychologists and Psychiatrists are referring their clients for specific help in managing stress and anger.

4). Mediators, Family Law Court Attorneys and Judges are referring clients who are in bitter divorce disputes.

5). Hollywood Artists Agents are referring their Celebrity Clients for assistance in increasing their emotional intelligence.

The most noticeable change is the move from groups to individual coaching for skill enhancement in emotional intelligence.

George Anderson, MSW, LCSW, CAMF