Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Emotional Intelligence Coaching For Impulse Control/Anger Management is Trending Worldwide

The Anderson & Anderson, APC Team plans to market our new Anger Management Provider in Sydney, Australia. Claudine Furian, Prominent Sydney Australia Executive Coach is currently preparing to become the premiere Anderson & Anderson, APC Anger Management Provider for Australia.

Tentative plans are being made for George Anderson, MSW, LCSW, BCD, CAMF and Bryan Anderson, MSW, LCSW, CAMF to present the live Anger Management Facilitator Certification for Children, Adolescents and Adults in Sydney in September.

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Learning or teaching anger management/self-control requires more than insight

Anderson & Anderson, APC provided Emotional Intelligence Coaching for Impulse Control to a 62-year-old attorney who had been in psychoanalysis for 25 years for problems managing his anger. While he was an expert on where his first angry feelings came from and how they related to an incident with his mother at age 6, his ability to control his angry behavior had not improved during his many years of psychoanalytic treatment.
As the result of his lack of progress managing his impulse to behave aggressively when angry, he confronted his psychoanalyst who referred him for Emotional Intelligence Skill Coaching for enhancement in impulse control.
Practicing attorneys are well known for their obsession with the facts of situations and this attorney was therefore excited to learn the objective results of his competencies in Self-Regard, Self-Actualization, Emotional Self-Awareness, Emotional Expression, Assertiveness, Independence, Interpersonal Relationships, Empathy, Social Responsibility, Problem Solving, Reality Testing, Impulse Control, Flexibility, Stress Tolerance and Optimism.
By simply learning about his level of competency in these 15 Emotional Intelligence scales and how they are connected to each provided him with considerable optimism. He quickly recognized the need to practice skill enhancement in the areas in which he scored in the low or average range.
Practical applications of Emotional Intelligence Skill Enhancement is needed and wanted by a wide range of professionals whose success is closely related to their ability to influence others based on these important skills.
In contrast to counseling or psychotherapy, skill enhancement in emotional intelligence is practice and evidence based. A comprehensive EQ-i-2.0 Assessment designed to provide a base line of EI competencies precedes the coaching. Once the assessment is reviewed and the client is debriefed, the six months of skill enhancement coaching is provided over a six-month period.
The coaching is augmented by the use of DVDs, CDs, client workbooks along with specific exercises related to each skill. At the end of six months, the same assessment is administered in order to objectively determine the results of the coaching.
Emotional Intelligence Coaching for Professionals including attorneys, physicians and executives is trending in New York, San Francisco and Los Angeles. Clients are requesting the 12-hour intensive followed by coaching via phone or Skype from Saudi Arabia, San Juan, Puerto Rica and other major U.S. cities.
The Anderson & Anderson, APC’s Emotional Intelligence Coaching is a respected coaching model specifically designed to enhance the skills that physicians, attorneys, executives, managers, and athletes need to meet the demands of a high-stress, high-performance environment. Our program recognizes the qualities present in top leaders as well as top employees, and uses a customized assessment to help you make your skills elite.

4 Reasons to Invest in Leadership Development

4 Reasons to Invest in Leadership Development: Why invest in leadership development? Because organizations that do gain a competitive advantage and perform better than those that don't.

Friday, May 25, 2018

Widespread Fraud by Non-Profits in California

I would like to report widespread fraud on the part of non-profit organizations in California relative to Prison Re-entry Programs.

I am the author of two popular programs that are used in most Re-entry programs in California. A Ray of Hope, The Anderson & Anderson, APC Batterer's Intervention was the first published curriculums for perpetrators of family violence in California.
My firm also certifies many if not most of the facilitators who are approved by Probation Departments to offer this service. Most if not all probation departments are aware of this curriculum.

Currently, a large number of non-profit organizations are purchasing one client workbook and sending it along with their application for grants/contracts to provide these services through the Parole Department. Many of these programs are have not been trained of certified by Anderson & Anderson and do not purchase our client workbooks.I would like to report widespread fraud on the part of non-profit organizations in California relative to Prison Re-entry Programs.

I am the author of two popular programs that are used in most Re-entry programs in California. A Ray of Hope, The Anderson & Anderson, APC Batterer's Intervention was the first published curriculums for perpetrators of family violence in California.
My firm also certifies many if not most of the facilitators who are approved by Probation Departments to offer this service. Most if not all probation departments are aware of this curriculum.

Currently, a large number of non-profit organizations are purchasing one client workbook and sending it along with their application for grants/contracts to provide these services through the Parole Department.

This practice is fraudulent and should be addressed.

The second publication is Gaining Control of Ourselves. This is our curriculum for certification and client workbooks for Anger Management. Organizations are claiming to use this curriculum without training or material. My copy write is being violated statewide. I am the Official Anger Management Vendor for Los Angeles County. My Vendor # is 51963101.

Please send this to the appropriate office. I will also report this to my State Senator and Assemblyman. 

This practice is fraudulent and should be addressed.

The second publication is Gaining Control of Ourselves. This is our curriculum for certification and client workbooks for Anger Management. Organizations are claiming to use this curriculum without training or material. My copy write is being violated statewide.

Please send this to the appropriate office. I will also report this to my State Senator and Assemblyman. 

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Traffic In Los Angeles Helped Me Respond To An Unmet Customer Service Need

 As the major provider of Emotional Intelligence Coaching for “disruptive physicians”, the infamous “405 Freeway”that runs from Los Angeles to San Diego helped me create a niche within a niche.

Most of my physician clients are surgeons or emergency room physicians whose schedules are very busy and vitally needed by the hospitals they serve. Therefore, we provide coaching sessions on-site wherever needed. Yesterday at 9:00 A.M., I drove an hour and a half to see a physician leader for one hour, I returned to my office and drove back to provide coaching for a surgeon at the same site at 4:00 P.M.

I have never received a complaint for charging the same rate for my travel as I charge for my coaching. Instead, I am not aware of any other coach in my niche that is responding to this unique customer service need on the part of physician coaching clients in Los Angeles County. I am routinely praised for our sensitivity to the needs of busy physicians

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Premier Providers of Executive Coaching/Anger Management for Physicians

Healthcare organizations nationwide, through their Physician Well-Being Committees and Credentialing Committees, are searching for appropriate resources to refer physicians who are exhibiting “disruptive behavior” at work. Unfortunately, the needed missing link is a directory or list of approved programs designed exclusively to address this issue.Doctors are a highly trusted and valued group of professionals in all cultures. They enjoy social respect, but also have significant social responsibilities. Doctors who fail to maintain professional standards and conduct cause social concern, because they may do harm to patients, if their performance is poor.The loss of a doctor has effects on service provision, and may be expensive to health care providers. Doctors may fail to perform well for a number of reasons. Stress related problems, depression and substance abuse are known to be more common among doctors than other similar professional groups.One particular manifestation of poor performance has been described as “disruptive” behavior or unprofessional conduct. These are situations where physicians are unhelpful, rude, or even abusive. Intimidating and disruptive behaviors can foster medical errors, contribute to poor patient satisfaction, increase the cost of care, and cause qualified clinicians, administrators and managers to seek new positions in more professional environments. Safety and quality of patient care is dependent on teamwork and communication. To assure quality and to promote a culture of safety, health care organizations must address the problem of behaviors that threaten the performance of the health care team.Below is a list of established organizations that provide assessment, intervention and monitoring of “disruptive physicians”:Program for Distressed Physicians (Vanderbilt University)The Center for Professional Health offers a three-day continuing medical education course (CME) to address the specific needs of physicians whose workplace behavior has become problematic. This course combines didactic presentations, role-play with focused feedback, group feedback from peers and colleagues, plus review of workplace/family complaints. Participants will receive training in alternative behaviors and explore cognitive distortions that relate to their problems. The course will focus on the problems identified by specific complaints. The solutions are reinforced by role-play, feedback, testing and group accountability. An appropriate referral to this course would follow an assessment and evaluation to rule out medical and psychiatric problems. Contact William Swiggart for details.The three-day Continuing Medical Education course follows an assessment. The course fee is $4000, which includes three follow-up group sessions with course participants facilitated by course faculty. Vanderbilt University School of Medicine is accredited by the Accreditation Council for CME to sponsor continuing medical education for physicians.For more details and explanations of course material and assessments contact:
William Swiggart, M.S., L.P.C, 
Training Director, The Center for Professional Health
1107 Oxford House Nashville, TN 37232 – 4300
Tel:615-936-0678 WebAnger Management for Healthcare Professionals Program (UCSD)This course is designed to help those physicians and healthcare providers who have contributed to a disruptive working environment by way of inappropriate expression of anger.
Conflict, stress and disruption in the hospital and clinic setting create low morale, heightened rates of staff turnover, and patient safety concerns. The Anger Management for Healthcare Professionals program is a small, (6-8 participants), intensive and highly interactive three-day course taught by UCSD faculty from the Department of Psychiatry. Participant coursework in the form of self-reported inventories of mood and interpersonal conflict as well as reading is required.
The objectives and goals of this course include: Aiding participants to identify triggers in the workplace leading to disruptive behavior. Didactic instruction providing constructive tools and strategies to aid in diffusing and managing anger and conflict in an appropriate and professional manner including: Increasing Emotional Intelligence Empathy Training Transforming conflict into cooperation, practicing both behavioral and cognitive strategies, including coping mechanisms,   leading to healthier communication and interactions in the healthcare environment. Developing a personalized plan of action (Commitment to Change) PACE provides a dynamic training program that offers professionals an opportunity to obtain educational information and personalized assessment in a highly sensitive, supportive and confidential environment away from the workplace.
Participants who successfully complete the course receive 30.5 CME Category one credits.
1899 McKee Street,
Ste 126

San DiegoCA 92110

Anderson & Anderson Executive Coaching/Anger Management for Disruptive Physicians:In response to the need for a one on one individual and sensitive intervention coaching model for physicians, Anderson & Anderson is now offering a twelve-hour coaching program with 6 months of aftercare for “disruptive physicians”. This course is available at our Brentwood, California office or on-site seven days a week anywhere in the United States. The Anderson & Anderson Executive Coaching/Anger Management Program™ is the largest provider of executive coaching/anger management in the nation. No other anger management provider is authorized to use this model. Components of the course include: Comprehensive Emotional Intelligence Assessments are given at intake, focusing on the participant’s level of functioning in managing stress, anger, communication and emotional intelligence.We do not provide psychological testing, nor is our intervention considered counseling or psychotherapy. Therefore, there are no stigmas attached.”The Practice of Control”, the new Anderson & Anderson Physician client workbook,  includes didactic information and exercises focusing on enhancing emotional  intelligence, improving assertive communication, as well as behavioral strategies  for recognizing and managing anger and stress. Complimentary “Gaining Control of Ourselves” DVD. “Styles of Communication” and “A Day without Stress” are two powerful DVDs that are also complimentary.Post-test at completion of the six months aftercare is designed to determine the level of change during the course. I-monthly follow-up sessions are provided for a six-month period. Our services are provided with the utmost in confidentiality for all participants.Anderson & Anderson is the Preferred Provider for Kaiser Permanente Health Maintenance Organization of Southern California.Anderson & Anderson® Executive Coaching/Anger Management Program
12301 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 418
Los Angeles
, CA. 90025
Phone: 310-207-3591  

Leadership Coaching Program for Physicians

The Anderson & Anderson, APC Emotional Intelligence Leadership Coaching Model is based on the EQ-i-2.0 assessment. In this model, emotional intelligence has been defined as “a set of emotional and social skills that influence the way we perceive and express ourselves, develop and maintain social relationships, cope with challenges, and use emotional information in an effective and meaningful way.”
Healthcare organizations that have adopted emotional intelligence training have shown that “EI” can be enhanced and it is effective. There are significant improvements in morale, productivity and profits.  Furthermore, up to 90% of the difference between outstanding and average leaders is linked to emotional intelligence. “EI” is two times as important as IQ and technical expertise combined, and is four times as important in terms of overall success.
The four key dimensions of leadership coaching offered in the Anderson & Anderson, APC Emotional Intelligence Coaching are:


An authentic leader serves as a role model for morel and fair behavior. A transparent approach commends esteem and confidence from employees.


A leader who coaches effectively is seen as a mentor who supports employee growth. Employees are nurtured towards achieving their highest levels of performance.


A leader provides insight by sharing a purpose and hopeful vision for colleagues to follow. Employees are compelled and inspired to exceed goals.


An innovative leader focuses on taking risks, spurring colleagues’ ingenuity and autonomous thought. Knowledge is valued and challenges are viewed as learning opportunities.

EQ-i- 2.0 Leadership Assessment: Sample Report

Each of our coaching clients will receive an E-mail containing access to the internationally recognized EQ-i -2.0 Model of Emotional Intelligence.  This is conveniently online 24/7 available to fit your schedule. Our Clients report back that it takes about 13 – 20 minutes to complete. We actually encourage you to “not think” while taking it for the most accurate helpful results. So the fast routine is read and answer. Next. Read and answer and so on. You will find it easy.
This six-month coaching program is designed for physicians. The first phase of the program is conducted over twelve one hour sessions or a two-day intensive followed bi-monthly sessions over a combined six -month period.


Once you have selected a coaching niche that is needed and wanted by persons who have the ability to pay, it is necessary to master that niche.

·     Use pre and post coaching assessment instruments in your practice. A Coaches credibility and professionalism is improved when the coaching is aided by the use of valid instruments before and after the intervention.

As long as an evidence-based approach includes both empirical data and professional experience as part of the delivery model, it is hard to argue against an evidence-based approach, because it leverages the best of both sources of professional and clinical knowledge.
·     Provide samples of the instruments used on your website: 
·     Include a sample Executive Coaching Outline on your website as listed above. Educate your potential clients on how coaching works.
·     A simple, well designed website with a blog is important.

·     Write and post related articles on your blog as well as social media sites

·     Become active on LinkedIn, Twitter, Google and other social media platforms.

·     Write and self-publish a book on your niche.

Comment, like or share related posts anywhere on the Internet about your niche. I frequently mention my two major competitors in my posts. This tactic benefits all of us.

Saturday, May 19, 2018

VA Approves Anger Management Facilitator Certification

The Anderson & Anderson, APC Anger Management Facilitator Certification Training is approved for the training of Clinical Social Workers who are employed by the United States Department of Veteran's Affairs: Anderson & Anderson is the largest provider of Certified Anger Management Facilitator Training in the world. Our curriculum is the industry standard worldwide. Anderson & Anderson, the trusted name in anger management, offers certification for both adult and adolescent facilitators. CAADAC, CAADE, CA. Board of Corrections approves our training for CEU’s. In addition, this training is Approved TIER 1 for Special Advancement for Achievement for Veterans Administration Social Workers. We are an approved vendor for SAM. The Anderson & Anderson Anger Management Curricula is the only anger management training approved by the state for the training of Dept. of Rehabilitation, Probation, Parole and Correctional Officers in California.