Tuesday, December 30, 2014

“Me Too” Marketing Scams in Anger Management

“Me Too” marketing is defined as copying claims made by others as if they are your own. A variation on this theme is to plagiarize the websites of competitors and claim that you can do whatever your competitor does.

In anger management, the same fraudulent provider that duped a major sports team to use its’ on-line anger management classes for unruly fans have moved into coaching for physicians and attorneys. Take a look at this website:www.andersonservices.com . 
If you Google anger management coaching for physicians, you will find another website that is almost identical with the exception of the logo and name.

The links below provide a sample of “Me Too” marketing and other fraudulentanger management providers who tarnish legitimate providers everywhere.

The links below provide samples of fraud in Anger Management Programs:
http://angerblog.wordpress.com/2011/02/13/and ...,http://deadspin.com/5964257/the-nfl-has-been -...,
“http://articles.philly.com/20 07-05-31/news/25228021_1_anger -management-cell-phones-tantru ms
One of the projects of the American Association of Anger ManagementProviders for 2015 is to expose fraudulent anger management providers.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

What Can Coaches Do In 2015 To Improve Recognition And Income?

While the Internet is filled with reports of Life Coaches earning six figure incomes, the annual Sherpa Survey of coaches reports the opposite. Here are the results of the most recent earnings report of coaches: Executive Coaches: $ 97,245, a slight increase from 2013. Business Coaches: $ 59,410, down from $70-75K, Life Coaches: $ 45,260, down from $ 50,005 .

As coaches, we can delude ourselves into believing what the marketing coaches and training institutes are telling us or we can accept reality and address the need for drastic changes in the coaching industry. I am a successful coach with a six-figure income for many years. I certainly cannot speak for all practitioners, but rather from my own personal experience and what I have done, in hopes that one or two ideas may help a colleague develop his/her coaching practice.

In my opinion, actual success is far more credible than speculations on the part of marketing coaches whose motivation is to sell their services. I would like to share some of the strategies that have worked well for me and some of my major failures.

There is absolutely no substitute for competency

Demonstrated competency is by far the single most effective marketing strategy. While being competent is key, your public relation efforts must be designed to let potential clients know of your expertise.

You must select a coaching niche that is needed and wanted by clients with the ability to pay. The opposite of specializing in a specific niche is to claim expertise in a wide range of coaching practices. Rarely will potential clients trust a “jack of all trades”.

I came to coaching after 35 years of successful private practice as a Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist. I practiced in an exclusive section of Los Angeles (Brentwood). My niche was treating children and adolescents. My competency in this niche coupled with my office location and marketing resulted in my six- figure income and professional recognition.

Evidence based intervention is being actively sought by business and industry

Making claims that cannot be supported objectively is not working in Life Coaching. It is not realistic to claim that any coach can ask powerful questions that will lead to a client accomplishing his or her “dreams”.

One of the most successful coaching models currently in use is Emotional Intelligence Coaching For Impulse Control. This model is used by most Health Care organizations for “disruptive physicians”. Disruptive physicians are essentially physicians whose behavior at work suggests a need for coaching in anger management/impulse control.

All coaching clients who select this model are provided with a comprehensive EQ-I-Emotional Intelligence Assessment along with two client workbooks and other ancillary coaching material. After completing six months of coaching, each client completes the Post Assessment that demonstrates the degree of change during the coaching.

Emotional Intelligence as a core practice strategy can actually be used for Life Coaching, Executive Coaching as well as Business Coaching. There is a need for assessments by all coaches.

Marketing is continuous and includes much more than paid advertising

Coaching is not well understood by most Americans including trained coaches. It is important to remember that you are selling a service and that service is defined as some form of coaching. You are also selling yourself.  As uncomfortable as the last sentence may be, it is reality.

It is important to write articles, books, blogs, and participate on as many social media sites as possible. Teaching community college courses on your niche and providing free lectures to interested audiences are also useful.

In the late 1980’s, Anderson & Anderson, APC hired a Public Relations firm to advise us how to market our psychotherapy practice in Los Angeles. We paid $10,000 for one full-page ad in The Los Angeles Magazine. From this one ad we received three calls, one from the California State Psychological Association, one from a psychotic man who did not have insurance and one from a psychologist calling to congratulate us on such an impressive ad. I am not convinced that paid advertisement works for coaching or psychotherapy.

Below are some of the free Public Relation opportunities that have come our way based on our perceived competency:

The Anderson & Anderson Curriculum has been reviewed locally, nationally and internationally, and has been featured on KCET Sessions, NBC’s Starting Over, NPR, and KCAL’s 9 on The Town, Chicago Tribune, London Sunday Times, The Voice TV Danmark, New York Times, Baltimore Sun News, Toronto Star News, ESPN, San Jose Mercury News, Cover, Los Angeles Times Magazine, San Francisco Chronicle, Brentwood News, REEL TV, Entertainment Weekly, Patient/Doctor Journal, Los Angeles Magazine, Long Beach Daily Breeze, Casino News, NASW News, Business Week, Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg News, Washington Post, Scrubs Magazine as well as an hour documentary on the BBC.

Office location determines your client demographics

As is the case of many other businesses, location is extremely important for coaches. Since coaching is not yet well received by the general population, post office addresses or home offices do not lend legitimacy to your practice. Even if most of your practice is provided via Skype or phone, a Beverly Hills address is more likely to encourage the reader to continue on your website as opposed to a Watts or Compton location.

Middle class clients will support an upscale location while wealthy clients will not consider services provided in a low- income area.

Finally, an active website with a blog along with a long and short term marketing plan are also needed for practice success in coaching.

Anderson & Anderson, APC is the major provider of Emotional Intelligence Coaching for physicians and other professionals.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Standards For Anger Management Providers Will Increase in 2015

George Anderson, MSW, BCD, CAMF
Emotional Intelligence Coaching for Professionals at Anderson & Anderson, APC
Standards For Anger Management Providers Will Increase in 2015
The California Superior Courts in Los Angeles County leads the nation in high standards for Anger Management Providers. According to the American Psychiatric Association, anger is not an illness and is therefore not listed in the Diagnostic And Statistical Manual of Mental And Nervous Disorders (DSM-5). Therefore, counseling or psychotherapy is not appropriate for teaching skills in impulse control.
Below is a list of the 2015 requirements for all Certified Anger Management Providers who offer their services to mandated defendants in Los Angeles County:
All providers are required to have 40-hours of training in Emotional Intelligence/Anger Management skill enhancement for impulse control.
All providers must have one year of supervised experience or an internship in providing anger management classes or coaching.
All providers must use client workbooks in the language of the various populations served.
Pre and Post Emotional Intelligence Assessments are required for all mandated clients.
All providers must complete 16 hours of continuing education in related subjects on a yearly basis.
Clients must be given an option of individual or group sessions.
Clients who are not appropriate for participating in a psycho-educational program must be reported back to the court for alternative services.
Clients who are currently using mind -altering substances must be referred back to the court.
Clients who appear to be suffering from severe mental or nervous disorders must be referred back to the court.
Certified Anger Management Facilitators who are not licensed clinicians must have a mental health consultant.
Most of the above standards have been adopted by other California Counties including Sacramento. https://www.saccourt.ca.gov/family/docs/fl-criteria-providers.pdf The courts have determined that the standards for Certified Anger Management Facilitators must be comparable to the state standards for Domestic Violence Batterers Facilitators http://codes.lp.findlaw.com/cacode/PEN/3/2/8/1/s1203.098. Los Angeles based Anger Managed Management providers will be closely monitored for compliance during 2015.
Anderson & Anderson, APC is the largest provided of both Anger Management Facilitation Certification and Batterers Intervention Certification.
www.andersonservices.com. Los Angeles based Anger Managed Management providers are closely monitored for compliance.

Anderson & Anderson, APC is the largest provided of both Anger Management Facilitation Certification and Batterers Intervention Certification.

Monday, December 15, 2014

The Angry Dad: NFL opens its own private court

The Angry Dad: NFL opens its own private court: Family court for years have been jumping into petty disputes, and sending the parties off to therapy or anger management class. Now the NFL...

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Attorneys Can Benefit From Emotional Intelligence Coaching

Attorneys are taught to maximize the use of their superior IQ to analyze situations and provide persuasive logical arguments for or against any issue. They are taught to demolish the opposing counsel.

According to David A. Grenardo,  “Despite the rise of voluntary civility codes and calls for professionalism, incivility persists in the legal profession. The practice of law is a privilege, not a right, and attorneys must be held to a higher standard of conduct as a lawyer is a representative of clients, an officer of the legal system and a public citizen having special responsibility for the quality of justice. The time for mandatory civility has long come, and all state bars should follow the lead of the few jurisdictions that have made civility mandatory.”

It appears that most of the current mandatory civility courses are 1,2 or 4 hour presentations designed to provide information on civility rather than skill enhancement in emotional intelligence/civility.

Training provided in law school does not include the soft skills of Emotional Intelligence or civility. However, EQ skills are important for success in leadership, business, customer service and interpersonal relationships.

What Can The ABA Learn From The AMA?

In 2008, The Joint Commission issued a Sentinel Alert mandating that all Health Care Organizations must have written policy designed to address “disruptive physicians”. This new mandate immediately created a cottage industry of providers of emotional intelligence/anger management for “disruptive physicians”. Essentially, disruptive behavior is the same as incivility or poor impulse control in the work environment. The AMA is in support of this mandate and is now encouraging medical schools to include Emotional Intelligence in the training of medical students. Major Hospital Chains are funding Emotional Intelligence Coaching for physicians in leadership positions.

The American Bar Association may benefit from carefully studying the research that was done by the Commission and the American Medical Association in defining the need to enhance the skills of physicians in practice.

In developing the internationally recognized EQ-I-Emotional Intelligence Assessment, “emotional intelligence has been defined as “ a set of emotional and social skills that influence the we perceive and express ourselves, develop and maintain social relationships, cope with challenges, and use emotional information ins an effective and meaningful way”. Steven J. Stein and Howard E. Book, The EQ EDGE.

In contrast to IQ, EQ is not fixed and therefore can be improved with coaching, classes or practice. Attorneys like facts. Therefore, they are sold on the need to improve their emotional intelligence by analyzing the results of their emotional intelligence assessment.

Most Emotional Intelligence Coaching Programs include a Pre and Post Assessment. The coaching is focused on the EQ scales selected by the client as the focus of the coaching. The Post Assessment provides objective evidence of the success or lack of success of the coaching.

Lets’ Take A Look At An EQ Coaching Model And How It Work

The A + A Emotional Intelligence Coaching for Professionals is designed to meet the needs of high-level executives, physicians, and clients who prefer to be seen on an individual basis for specialized coaching and increased privacy.

The program includes The Practice of Control, our client workbook for Physicians and other Professionals, Gaining Control of Ourselves, our anger management DVD, and the Contrasting Wheels of Behavior – the DO’s and DONT’s of self-control.

After scheduling a coaching session, each of our coaching clients receives an E-mail containing access to the internationally recognized Bar On EQ-I 2.0 Emotional Intelligence assessment. The assessment can be taken online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to most conveniently accommodate the client’s schedule.

Our Clients report back that it takes about 15 – 20 minutes to complete. For the best results, don’t overthink it. Read the questions and answer honestly for the most accurate results and most effective service from A + A. You will find it easy and interesting!

Inside The EQ-I 2.0 Assessment

This comprehensive assessment examines the following Emotional Intelligence competencies:
EQ-I- 2.0 – Five Key Areas With 15 Scales Of Measurement
The 1- 5 – 15 factor structure of the EQ-I 2.0 model features one overarching EI score (Total EI), broken down into five composite scores, which, in turn, are broken down into a total of 15 subscales.

The On EQ-I- 2.0 Assessment Instrument measures the client’s level of functioning in the areas of:

Emotional Self Awareness
Self Actualization
Self Regard
Emotional Expression
Social Responsibility
Interpersonal Relationships
Stress Tolerance
Impulse Control
Reality Testing
Problem Solving

The scales on the EQ-I- 2.0 are interrelated, meaning that a deficit in one area can indicate and lead to a deficit in other areas, and the strengthening of one area, will lead to the strengthening of other areas.

Choosing Your Assessment Report – Workplace Report vs. Leadership Report
We offer clients two ways to interpret and analyze your scores. We can present your scores to you in two different ways.

The Workplace Report focuses on the impact of emotional intelligence on coworkers, supervisors, and clients, which can be used to develop current employees, or in evaluating the strength of prospective employees.

The Leadership Report evaluates an individuals strengths and weaknesses in emotional intelligence that correlate with leadership performance. This report can help answer questions like: How will this individual manage a conflict, come up with creative solutions, or lead a multigenerational staff?

The Workplace Report

The Workplace Report is designed for use in a wide variety of coaching and development situations and work settings. It focuses on the impact of emotional intelligence at work and offers suggestions for working with colleagues, supervisors, and clients. In recruiting, this report is useful when using scores to guide the selection of follow-up interview questions, and in identifying potential training and development needs.

When you generate a Workplace Report, you will receive two PDFs. The administrator retains the Coach section for interpretation.

The Leadership Report

The Leadership Report provides an in-depth look at EI strengths and weaknesses through the lens of leadership. It does this by correlating emotional intelligence subscales with leadership performance in four key dimensions: Authenticity, Coaching, Insight, and Innovation. These leadership dimensions were identified from research conducted on 221 leaders who took the EQ-I 2.0 and who also responded to a leadership assessment.

The Leadership Report contains the same EQ-I 2.0 Total, Composite, Subscale, and Validity Indicator scores as the Workplace report. The Leadership Report also contains the following features:
Subscale pages with an interpretation of the client’s leadership and organizational impact.
An Executive Summary page that showcases the client’s three highest and three lowest scoring EI skills.
A Leadership Potential page.
A Leadership Derailer section.
A Leadership Bar that highlights how the client’s scores fare in comparison to other leaders.

Current Leadership Topics on managing conflict, achieving a work-life balance, and leading a multigenerational team.

Inside The Sessions

The Skills Targeted and the Potential Benefits of the Coaching Program

The Professional Coaching Outline

Sessions 1, 2, & 3: The coach will provide an overview of EQ coaching and the EQ-i assessment, define the 15 scales of the EQ-i, and debrief the client on assessment results with a personalized interpretation of how this impacts the client.

Sessions 4, 5, & 6: The coach will continue a discussion of the assessment results, making links to relevant aspects of the client’s personal experience in professional and personal life, and develop an action plan to establish goals for coaching.

Sessions 7 & 8: The coach will target impulse control. Sessions will introduce the A+A workbooks “Gaining Control of Ourselves” and “The Practice of Control,” as well as define and explain The Contrasting Wheels Of Behavior, which will be used to help the client master various targeted skills and complete exercises within the workbooks.

Sessions 9 & 10: The coach will target stress management, provide feedback on progress, and discuss skill applications with clients.

Sessions 11 & 12: Emotional Intelligence profile summary and practical applications.
Targeted Skills and Potential Benefits Of Coaching Program

Sessions 1-6 target Self-Awareness, the pre-requisite for all other emotional intelligence skills. To improve skills, reduce stress, and improve interpersonal relationships and performance in professional and personal settings, the client must first dedicate time to becoming aware of his or her emotional intelligence profile. These guided sessions focus on the EQ-i 2.0 Assessment, which the coach will use to strengthen the client’s understanding of the impact of emotions, thoughts, behaviors, styles of communication, strengths, and weaknesses in his or her personal life.

Sessions 7-12 focuses on skill-enhancement exercises, designed to help clients practice and improve in skill areas that will most benefit them in their lives. These areas can be identified by both client and coach, and added to the Action Plan. These sessions will feature homework assignments to help the client:
Identify situations that produce emotions of anger or frustration
Learn that anger is a secondary emotion, and underlying feelings trigger our anger
Understand that anger can be an indication of unmet needs that require more attention
Gain coping skills to manage emotions in interpersonal relationships at work and outside of work
Practice these skills and record Behavior Logs to report how you managed a situation from your daily life and chart progress towards mastery of new skills
Label stressors and their effects
Monitor negative self-talk and its effects
Problem-Solve to overcome stressful situations
Apply emotional intelligence techniques to real life situations
Use emotional intelligence to manage anger and develop deeper empathy

Potential Benefits of Coaching

If practiced and utilized as taught, the skills learned in the areas of self-awareness, self-control, social awareness and relationship management, as well as anger management, communication, stress management, and emotional intelligence will enable the client to be more productive. Stress tolerance and empathy are also addressed. The client will communicate more effectively, and express emotions more appropriately. Research suggests that individuals with high EQ are more successful in their careers and personal relationships than their low EQ counterparts.

In Summary, enhanced skills in emotional intelligence on the part of attorneys will likely improve effectiveness as well as the public's image of attorneys.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

George Anderson, Anger Management Guru to offer Anger Management Survices in Seal Beach, CA.

Anderson & Anderson, APC will begin offering the following services in Orange County beginning in January 2015.

·      Anger Management/Emotional Intelligence for Impulse Control, Court, HR. or wife mandated coaching or classes.
·      Emotional Intelligence Coaching For Professionals
·      Executive Coaching For Disruptive Physicians.
·      Introductory Emotional Intelligence/Anger Management Courses
·      EQ-I-2.0 Emotional Intelligence Assessments for Adolescents and Adults.

The Seal Beach location, dates and times of these services will be made available within the next 7 days.

George Anderson, CAMF

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Awesome Networking opportunities for Anger Management Professionals

 Last week’s Anderson & Anderson, APC Anger Management Facilitator Certification Training will be a catalyst for a major networking campaign for all providers.  The 11 professionals who were certified in this training agreed to immediately begin a social media campaign to assist each other in the Internet marketing of their services.

Here is a list of specific actions that were begun during the last day of the certification training:

·      All of the participants joined linked in, twitter, Facebook, pinterest and google circles.
·      All shared e-mail and website addresses.
·      All participants agreed to join and actively participate in The American Association of Anger Management Providers.
·      Participants agreed to post on each other’s blogs.
·      Anderson & Anderson, APC agreed to place all of the participants on the international list of approved providers.
·      All participants agreed that it is interest of all Certified Anger Management Facilitator’s (CAMF) to promote training and certification of this curriculum at every opportunity.

All CAMF professionals are urged to follow the lead of these new providers in increasing our presence on the Internet.

Anderson & Anderson, APC plans to use all of its’ resources to advocate for competency and ethical standard for Anger Management Providers nationwide.

Anderson & Anderson, APC is the largest provider of Anger Management Facilitator Certification in the nation. www.andersonservices.com.