inappropriate displays of anger among physicians at work is exhibited by 4% of
physicians in the U.S. Anger is a normal human emotion that is considered “disruptive”
in healthcare organizations when it is too intense, occurs too frequently,
lasts too long, damages work relationships or compromises patient safety.
The Joint
Commission requires that all healthcare organizations address this issue by
establishing guidelines regarding “disruptive behavior”. This includes written
policy to define unacceptable behavior as well as resources to address anger
that risk patient safety.
According to
healthcare experts, the Affordable Care Act will strip away physician autonomy,
drown doctors in bureaucracy, and drain job satisfaction. As the profession
deteriorates, older doctors will retire while younger doctors will look to
switch careers. Many students considering a career in medicine will pursue
other opportunities. The supply of providers will dwindle as demand for
services reaches an all-time high.
school training does not prepare doctors to develop skills in emotional
intelligence designed to increase self-awareness, self-control, social
awareness and relationship management. These and other Emotional Intelligence
skills are the keys to success in interpersonal relationships including
empathy, leadership, stress management, effective communication, and positive
bedside manner.
Coaching for
“disruptive physicians” is rapidly becoming the most popular niche in Executive
Coaching. Many physicians are seeking assistance for impulse control/anger
management. Some physicians are becoming Coaches for “disruptive physicians”.