Thursday, September 29, 2011

Anderson & Anderson is now authorized to provide Pre and Post Tests using the BarOn Eq-i

The Anderson & Anderson Anger Management Curriculum is Evidenced Based which means it is possible to determine the success or lack of success of the intervention for each client based on Emotional Intelligence Assessments before and after the coaching or classes.

We are happy to announce that Anderson and Anderson is now able to provide this testing for any client or organization interested in a scientifically validated assessment of his or her competencies in the following areas: emotional self-awareness, assertiveness, independence, self-regard, self-actualization, interpersonal relationships, empathy, social responsibility, problem solving, reality testing, flexibility, stress tolerance, impulse control, optimism, and self-expression. This service in offered through Multi-Health Systems which is Internationally recognized.

For any client referred, we will provide, on-line assessment, interpretation, report and discussion for $110.00.

If you are a Certified Anderson & Anderson Anger Management Facilitator without a Licensed Psychologist on staff, or an ICF Coach without training in Psychology, we can provide all of your Pre and Post EQ Assessments.

For more information, contact George Anderson, BCD
310-207-3591 or Email us at

Monday, September 12, 2011

How I Made $15,000 In Four Hours

Social Work is not generally thought of as a profession in which one can expect to earn a high income. Therefore, my professional and financial success as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with a specialization in anger management coaching may be an inspiration to other Clinical Social Workers, Counselors, Educators and Psychotherapists

By demonstrating competency in the tiny niche of anger management, I am now able to charge and receive an average of $5000.00 per hour for speaking engagements and presentations relative to anger management and executive coaching for "disruptive physicians". For one four-hour presentation to 50 physicians, I received $15,000.

I have been the Key Note Speaker or Continuing Medical Education Presenter for the following organizations:
·      Philippine Psychiatric Association National Conference
·      Santa Clara County California Medical Staff
·      Loma Linda University School of Medicine
·      St. Francis Medical Center of Lynwood, California
·      San Joaquin Valley Chapter of the Society For Human Resource Managers

In my experience, the key to financial success is competence and marketing in a narrow area of specialization that is needed or wanted by a segment of the population.