Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Assessment Of Choice For All New Anger Management Providers is BarOn EQ1

All Anderson & Anderson Certified Anger Management Anger Facilitators are encouraged to contact MHS for all Pre and Post Tests. If you or your organization do not qualify to administer and interpret  the results of these instruments, this service can easily be  provided by the Professional Staff at Anderson & Anderson.
For information on the BarOn Assessment, please contact Carrie at MHS below:
MHS, Inc
EI Divisional Coordinator
PHONE: (416) 492-2627 

Friday, April 22, 2011

Certified Anger Management Facilitator Training Is Hot!

The Anderson & Anderson Anger Management Facilitator Certification has been expanded to include two additional days of training on Saturday and Sunday in Oakland. Anger Management Guru is taking this training on a road tour which will include Oakland, Fresno, San Diego, Houston and Atlanta.

Non-profits lead the way in adding Anger Management as a new stream of income. California has cut funding for many non-profit social services agencies through out the state. Anger Management is the most realistic income stream for programs offering services to at risk youth as well as workplace stress and violence.
Take a look at who is seeking Certified Anger Management Facilitator (CAMF) training:
  • Youth Counselors, Substance Abuse Counselors, School Counselors, LCSWs, MFTs, Psy. Ds and Private Practice Psychotherapists.
  • Non profits with contracts sit Alameda County Probation Department.
  • State Parole Department Contractors who provide Reentry Programs.
  • Proposition 39 Substance Abuse Programs.
  • After School Programs for at risk youth.
  • Anger Management Programs as an alternative to school suspension for person directed aggression.
Enrollment trends for Atlanta and San Diego are trending in the direction of being over subscribed. Anger Management that is evidenced based is clearly one of the most sought after training for profit centers nationwide.
George Anderson, CAMF

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Emotional Intelligence Reduces Interpersonal Conflict

·      To do more than survive – to thrive in a world of accelerating change and uncertainty – we need to respond well to adversity. Optimism is a skill just like listening that can be learned and perfected over time.
·      Learn and practice optimism for success: see the dough nut not the hole
·      Positive self-talk: talk yourself out of defeat. The way we talk to ourselves can and does affect our sense of well-being and our ability to motivate ourselves in the face of challenge. By being optimistic and learning to replace negative self-talk with positive self-talk, this will help to bring about a proactive and creative climate at work and help participants to be proactive and take control of themselves.
·      The art of letting go: you’ll never be a butterfly if you can’t stop being a caterpillar. It is important to learn to tackle the essence of coping effectively with change and letting go of old ways of thinking and doing. Challenging existing concepts enables the participants to understand their own resistance to change.
·      Managing unhealthy anger: you can’t always get what you want. Many people have difficulty managing anger-both their own and other people. Frustrations built up in the fast-changing workplace, where roles are not always well defined and job security no longer exists.
·      Anger usually results from frustration. Frustration results from feeling unable to control and/or improve their situation. A sense of control is a basic human need. Frustration behaves like an emotional virus, infecting everyone.
·      Increasing sensitivity: take a look at the emotional landscape.
·      In a stressful work environment, it is easy to ignore the mood and morale of our co-workers. People rarely communicate how they feel. However, being insensitive to the needs and feeling of others makes it difficult to gain their support and enthusiasm. The ability to recognize our own feelings and the emotions of those around us is a key step in developing emotional literacy.
·      Emotions bring people together. Our emotions are perhaps the greatest potential source of uniting all members of the human race. Empathy, Compassion, Cooperation and Forgiveness together have the potential to unite us as people. Our thoughts may tend to divide us, whereas our emotions, if given the chance, will unite us.

Emotional intelligence is by far, the greatest intervention for civility and
Self-control/Anger Management.

George Anderson, MSW, BCD, CAMF 



Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Changes at Anderson & Anderson

Nancy and I are sad to announce the loss of our cheerful, effective Office Management, Lori Bordenave. Lori has left to attend graduate school in Social Work and USC. We wish her well.

We are  now seeking your help in finding an experienced Receptionist for our Brentwood Office. Interested applicants should send us an email at georgeanderson@aol.com.

George Anderson

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Tips For Promoting Your Blog On The Internet

I do not claim to be all that sophisticated regarding Internet technology nor how blogs work. However, I have three very successful blogs that bring loads of traffic to my main website. Therefore, I would like to share my experience with my colleagues in mental health, private psychotherapy practice, executive coaching and anger management.

If you have not yet developed your blog, I suggest that you consider wordpress that, in my opinion is one of the easiest for a non- technical person and one that connects with linked in. Ideally, you should incorporate your blog with you website making it easier for both the blog and the website to feed each other.

The key success in blog saturation is to post as frequently as possible with information that is of interest to the reader. Blogs are an excellent platform for demonstrating your expertise in your specialization or product offerings.
George Anderson, that’s me, and my firm, Anderson & Anderson specialize in Anger Management Certification, Executive Coaching for "disruptive physicians", anger management books, posters, DVDs, CDs and ancillary training products.

If you google any of the keywords, you will see how we have been able to use all of the blog directories and search engines to keep our ranking high in all of the related Internet sites. You may also visit my main blog at www.andersonservices.com/blog and how our blog is being used.

Below are three sites which I have found useful for blog promotion"

·      http://conflict-resolution.alltop.com/

·      http://www.wordsinarow.com/blog-registration.html

·      http://www.wordpress.com

For those of you looking for exceptional IT service that handles website design or technical support issues, I would like to recommend RC Support to you. You can visit their website at www.rcsupportonline.com.

George Anderson, BCD

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Stress Management Tip Sheet – Diffusing Anger in Others

By George Anderson, MSW, BCD
Anger and aggression are often the product of frustration and a feeling of powerlessness. Listening is the most important skill in defusing anger. Do not attempt to reason with a person in the midst of irrational anger. Listening with your heart means trying to determine how the other person is feeling as they are speaking. This is empathetic listening.
Phrases for active listening:
  • Can you tell me more?
  • When did this happen?
  • Let me see if I understand what you just said.
  • It sounds like you are very angry right now.
  • What would you like to see happen?
  • I see it this way. How do you see it?
  • How do you think this issue can be resolved?
  • Do many people feel the way you do?
  • I am glad you feel comfortable talking to me about this.
Assume that they have (in their mind) a legitimate reason for being upset and listen for what it is. Nod, occasionally, to indicate that you are listening. And, while you are listening, remember:
  • Efforts to resist verbally are counterproductive, and put the aggressor in an even more defensive position.
  • Try to appear neutral in your posture and facial expressions.
Experts tell us that as much as 55 percent of the meaning of any message comes from visual indicators – posture, gestures, body positioning, etc. We also know that as much as 75 percent of that 55 percent comes from our face. Make a conscious effort to relax your face, unclench your jaw and lift your eyebrows. Think, “open, pleasant, neutral, relaxed.  Speak in a moderate tone.
Try to Change the Focus
When people are angry and upset, one of the first things we want to do is change their emotional state. We can do this by interrupting their pattern and refocusing their attention. Ways to do this:
  • Say their name. When you need to speak, start by saying the person’s name. When a person hears their name they will stop and change what they are focused on, if only for a moment.
  • Say, “hang on a second.” These words, said with extreme calm and relaxation, again stop the person for a moment and change what they have their attention fixed on.
When people are angry and upset, they are operating predominantly out of the right, emotional side of their brain.  To get them over to the logical, rational left side of their brain, if at all possible say something like this:
Example: “You’re saying; one, you didn’t get the report in time.  Two, it didn’t have all the information you needed. And three, it was not in the right format, is that correct?” To comprehend what you are saying, the person has to flip over to their left-brain in order to follow the sequence.
Look for Solutions
  • If you are not sure how you can help, ask. If you are in a position to provide help, again list the steps you will take in a numerical fashion.
  • Either way, use the words, “I want to help!” Let the other person know, in no uncertain terms, that you care about what they are going through and are willing to assist in correcting the problem.

George Anderson, CEO of Anderson & Anderson Anger Management is based in Brentwood, CA.  He can be reached at (310) 207-3591.
To find a social worker in your area, please click here.
George Anderson is a Board Certified Diplomate in Psychotherapy, A Fellow in the American Orthopsychiatric Association and, the first global provider of Anger Management training, workbooks, videos, DVDs and interactive CDs. He is the author of “Gaining Control of Ourselves”, “Controlling Ourselves”, “Parenting in A Troubled World”, “The California Domestic Violence Intervention Curriculum, and “Depression, Awareness, Recognition and Intervention”. Mr. Anderson received Post Graduate training in Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy from the Harvard University School of Medicine (1971) and previously taught in the UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute, Pepperdine University, and Simmons College School of Social Work. Currently, he is the major provider of language and culture specific curricula in Anger Management and Domestic Violence Intervention. His workbooks are published in English, Vietnamese, Korean, Spanish and Russian.
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